Seminar in Psychometrics
Use of eye tracking in taking tests
Date and time: Monday, April 24, 2023 (4:00 PM CET)
Place ICS CAS room 318, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, Prague 8, also on Zoom.
Abstract. In psychometrics, significant attention is devoted to crafting effective questions to measure an individual's skills or comprehension. Typically, this process is assessed using data collected from large samples, primarily comprised of participant responses. As a result, many details about the process are overlooked. Eye-tracking technology can offer a more comprehensive understanding of how individuals gather information and approach problem-solving. During my presentation, I will introduce various eye-tracking technologies and their corresponding methodologies, highlighting their benefits and limitations. In particular, we will discuss the use of eye-tracing in test-taking situations.

Jiří Lukavský
Institue of psychology CAS & Charles University
Jiří Lukavský earned his doctoral degree in psychology from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. He is currently a researcher at the Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences. He specializes in the study of human vision, attention, and visual memory. He has experience with designing and running eye-tracking studies in various research areas and with evaluating the obtained data. His main research interest today is understanding the decision-making process behind processing information.