Adéla Hladká (née Drabinová)
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 07, Prague 8, Czech Republic
e-mail: hladka@cs.cas.cz
phone: (+420) 266 05 3291
ORCID: 0000-0002-9112-1208
ResearcherID: N-6351-2017
Scopus: 57194498919
Stack Overflow
Google Scholar
IMPS 2024 will be held next year's July in Prague!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Book "Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods. With R"
is now in Press with Chapman and Hall/CRC.
New article "Combining item purification and multiple comparison adjustment methods in detection of differential item functioning"
was published online in Multivariate Behavioral Research.
ShinyItemAnalysis version 1.5.0 and
difNLR version 1.4.2-1 are
now available on CRAN.
New preprint dealing with estimation algorithms in 4PL non-IRT model was published on arXiv.
I recieved Josef Hlávka Award for the best students and graduates
I am a postdoctoral fellow at
Department of Statistical Modellling,
Institute of Computer Science of the
Czech Academy of Sciences. I am also a member of
COMPS group.
The center of my research interest is a detailed description of between-group differences on item level with analysis of
differential item functioning. I am also a fan of R programming and development.