Present address, e-mail: mp@uivt.cas.cz, mp@santafe.edu.
Note, that the GPER (3) is variance-dependent. Therefore all analyzed time series were rescaled to have unit variance so that the GPER should classify the series according to their dynamics, without the influence of the variance.
I.e., discrete estimates of the spectral density obtained as squared magnitudes of the Fourier coefficients. The integral in (3) is then computed as a sum over the 8192 periodogram bins.
This shift is equivalent to an addition of white noise to the original time series and thus it could worsen distinction of system states with similar spectra. On the other hand, presence of a few periodogram bins with magnitude close to zero could bias the GPER estimate downwards and obscure the dependence of GPER on a system parameter.
Stability of GPER estimates obtained from shorter time series or from individual realizations and other technical questions will be discussed elsewhere.
Strictly speaking, the GPER is not defined for periodic states, and its formally estimated values do not reflect behaviour of negative LE - see Fig. 5.
The author is grateful to an anonymous referee for posing this interesting question.
Hundred thousand initial iterations were skipped as transient time also in all numerical studies presented in previous section.
Equivalent results have also been obtained from tent, tilted tent, Gaussian and Hénon maps [27].

Milan Palus
Mon Dec 16 09:47:50 EST 1996