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Cauchy-Riemann Conditions

A function typeset structure of a complex variable typeset structure,  defined and finite in a neghourhood of a point typeset structure, is said to be differentiable at this point, if the limit

lim _ ( Δz -> 0) (F(z _ 0 + Δz) - F(z _ 0))/Δz = lim _ (z -> z _ 0) (F(z) - F(z _ 0))/(z - z _ 0)

exists, is finite and the same no matter how typeset structure approaches zero (or typeset structure approaches typeset structure) in the complex plane.

Though the definition is formally identical with that used in real analysis, the condition of differentiability in the complex plane is much stronger than in the real domain analysis. For instance, the function typeset structure as a function of two real variables is differentiable at typeset structure if both functions typeset structure and typeset structure are differentiable at this point.  

Example: The function typeset structure is differentiable as a function of two real variables typeset structure in the whole plane typeset structure.  As a function of one  complex variable typeset structure it is differentiable only at typeset structure (see below).

The following result reduces differentiation in the complex domain to the differentiation of real functions. The conditions can already be found in the work of d’Alembert and Euler:

Cauchy-Riemann conditions: In order that the function

F(z) = F(x + y i) = U(x, y) + i V(x, y)

is differentiable at the point typeset structure, it is necessary and sufficient that both its real an imaginary parts, typeset structure and typeset structure, have a total differential at typeset structure and satisfy equations

U _ x^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) = V _ y^'(x _ 0, y _ 0),       U _ y^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) = -V _ x^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) .

Equivalently, that the function typeset structure possesses a total differential and satisfies the equation

F _ x^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) = -i F _ y^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) .

If this condition is satisfies, then

F^'(z _ 0) = F _ x^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) = -i F _ y^'(x _ 0, y _ 0) .

Example: The function typeset structure  satisfies Cauchy-Riemann conditions at no point.


Example: The function typeset structure satisfies Cauchy-Riemann conditions at point typeset structure only.


Example: Let

F(x + y i) = (x^2 y)/(x^4 + y^2),        for                x + y i != 0

and typeset structure. This is the graph of this function.


The Cauchy-Riemann conditions are satisfied at typeset structure. Moreover typeset structure exists when typeset structure tends to typeset structure along an arbitrary straight line passing through the point typeset structure.  


Nevertheless, the function typeset structure is not differentiable at typeset structure.

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