VERSOFT:  Examples

Some examples of using VERSOFT files are presented here. For space reasons, we use consequently the format short option for the output. To view the results in full accuracy, type format long and run the respective commands on your computer.


Let us start with the matrix


>> A=[1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12]

A =

     1     2     3     4

     5     6     7     8

     9    10    11    12


A verified orthonormal basis for its range space can be computed by


>> Q=verorth(A)

intval Q =

[    0.1378,    0.1379] [   -0.9025,   -0.9024]

[    0.4972,    0.4973] [   -0.2935,   -0.2934]

[    0.8566,    0.8567] [    0.3154,    0.3155]


This means that the interval matrix Q is verified to contain a real matrix Qo whose columns are orthonormal and form a basis of the range space of A (see help verorth). Hence, Q’*Q must contain the unit matrix. This can be checked by


>> Q'*Q

intval ans =

[    0.9999,    1.0001] [   -0.0001,    0.0001]

[   -0.0001,    0.0001] [    0.9999,    1.0001]


Since size(Q,2)=2, it follows that the rank of A is equal to 2. This can also be established independently by using


>> [r1,r2]=verrank(A)

r1 =


r2 =



Here (see help verrank), r1, r2 are integers such that the rank of A is verified to satisfy r1 <= rank(A) <=r2. Since r1==r2, we conclude that rank(A)=2.


The null space of A can be described by


>> N=vernull(A)

intval N =

[    0.2999,    0.3001] [   -0.4001,   -0.3999] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [    0.1999,    0.2001]

[   -0.4001,   -0.3999] [    0.6999,    0.7001] [   -0.2001,   -0.1999] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999]

[   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [   -0.2001,   -0.1999] [    0.6999,    0.7001] [   -0.4001,   -0.3999]

[    0.1999,    0.2001] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [   -0.4001,   -0.3999] [    0.2999,    0.3001]


Here (see help vernull), N is an interval matrix verified to contain a real matrix No such that the null space Null(A) of A is described (in exact arithmetic) by Null(A) = { No*y | y in R^4 }.


The RREF (reduced row-echelon form) of A can be computed by


>> AR=verrref(A)

intval AR =

[    1.0000,    1.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [   -1.0001,   -0.9999] [   -2.0001,   -1.9999]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    1.0000,    1.0000] [    1.9999,    2.0001] [    2.9999,    3.0001]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000]


The underlying ones and zeros are always exact. We can see again that the rank of A equals 2.


To compute a verified pseudoinverse (or, Moore-Penrose inverse) of A, use


>> X=verpinv(A)

intval X =

[   -0.3751,   -0.3749] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [    0.1749,    0.1751]

[   -0.1459,   -0.1458] [   -0.0334,   -0.0333] [    0.0791,    0.0792]

[    0.0833,    0.0834] [    0.0333,    0.0334] [   -0.0167,   -0.0166]

[    0.3124,    0.3126] [    0.0999,    0.1001] [   -0.1126,   -0.1124]


As before, this means that the interval matrix X is verified to contain the exact pseudoinverse Xo of A. As is well known, Xo is the unique matrix having the four properties: (1) A*Xo*A=A, (2) Xo*A*Xo=Xo, (3) (A*Xo)’=A*Xo, (4) (Xo*A)’=Xo*A. Hence, A*Xo*A-A=0, so that A*X*A-A must contain the zero matrix. This can be checked by


>> A*X*A-A

intval ans =

  1.0e-011 *

[   -0.0160,    0.0159] [   -0.0195,    0.0194] [   -0.0230,    0.0229] [   -0.0264,    0.0264]

[   -0.0441,    0.0441] [   -0.0538,    0.0539] [   -0.0635,    0.0636] [   -0.0732,    0.0734]

[   -0.0727,    0.0729] [   -0.0887,    0.0890] [   -0.1047,    0.1052] [   -0.1205,    0.1212]


The function verthinsvd computes a verified thin SVD (singular value decomposition) of A (see help verthinsvd):


>> [U,S,V]=verthinsvd(A)

intval U =

[   -0.2068,   -0.2067] [   -0.8892,   -0.8891] [   -0.4083,   -0.4082]

[   -0.5183,   -0.5182] [   -0.2544,   -0.2543] [    0.8164,    0.8165]

[   -0.8299,   -0.8298] [    0.3803,    0.3804] [   -0.4083,   -0.4082]

intval S =

[   25.4368,   25.4369] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    1.7226,    1.7227] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0001]

intval V =

[   -0.4037,   -0.4036] [    0.7328,    0.7329] [    0.4775,    0.4776]

[   -0.4648,   -0.4647] [    0.2898,    0.2899] [   -0.8367,   -0.8366]

[   -0.5259,   -0.5258] [   -0.1532,   -0.1531] [    0.2407,    0.2408]

[   -0.5870,   -0.5869] [   -0.5962,   -0.5961] [    0.1183,    0.1184]


The interval matrices U, S, V are verified to contain real matrices Uo, So and Vo such that A=Uo*So*Vo’ is a singular value decomposition of A (in exact arithmetic). Indeed, we have


>> A-U*S*V'

intval ans =

  1.0e-013 *

[   -0.1200,    0.1222] [   -0.1111,    0.1022] [   -0.0933,    0.1244] [   -0.1244,    0.1555]

[   -0.1866,    0.2132] [   -0.1777,    0.2399] [   -0.1954,    0.2576] [   -0.2310,    0.2754]

[   -0.2487,    0.3020] [   -0.2665,    0.2843] [   -0.2665,    0.3908] [   -0.3020,    0.3908]


Notice that the third singular value is verified to belong to the interval S(3,3)= [0.0000, 0.0001], so that it cannot be decided whether it is zero or not. This shows that, contrary to unverified computations, SVD is not a proper way to compute verified rank; use verrank instead.


So far all the computations terminated with verified results. This, however, is no more true with the QR decomposition:


>> [Q,R]=verqr(A)

intval Q =

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

intval R =

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]


A NaN output is a VERSOFT way to say “no verified output” (R is preset to be always upper triangular, therefore the zeros). To see the reason for this outcome, use an additional output variable E:


>> [Q,R,E]=verqr(A)

intval Q =

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

intval R =

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

E =

    error: 'house: normalizing not possible'

    where: 'j = 3'

    value: 'nx = [0, 2.5802e-013]'


Here, the fields of the structure E show that the breakdown occurred in the subroutine house (Householder transformation), for the index value j==3 in a for … end loop, where a division by a normalizing factor nx was to be performed, but it could not be realized because nx contained zero. Attention: an error variable is not present in all files; if yes, it is always denoted by E and is placed as the last output variable (see the respective helps).


So far we have been using a 3-by-4 matrix A. For the purpose of files handling square matrices, let us now switch to a 3-by-3 symmetric positive definite matrix A3:


>> A3=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 10]

A3 =

     1     2     3

     4     5     6

     7     8    10

>> A3=A3'*A3

A3 =

    66    78    97

    78    93   116

    97   116   145


To compute the determinant, use


>> dt=verdet(A3)

intval dt =

[    9.0000,    9.0000]


The five-decimal-digit output suggests that both the bounds might be equal. To verify this, evaluate the width of dt:


>> dt.sup-dt.inf

ans =



The zero width shows that the determinant has been indeed computed exactly (which, however, is an exception occurring only for integer matrices of moderate sizes, usually up to 7).


Verified spectral decomposition of a symmetric matrix can be computed by


>> [L,X]=verspectdec(A3)

intval L =

[  303.1953,  303.1954] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.7659,    0.7660] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0387,    0.0388]

intval X =

[    0.4646,    0.4647] [   -0.8333,   -0.8332] [    0.2995,    0.2996]

[    0.5537,    0.5538] [    0.0094,    0.0095] [   -0.8327,   -0.8326]

[    0.6909,    0.6910] [    0.5527,    0.5528] [    0.4658,    0.4659]


Here, L and X are interval matrices verified to contain real matrices Lo, Xo such that Lo is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal is formed by ALL eigenvalues of A3, Xo is orthonormal, and A3=Xo*Lo*Xo’ holds in exact arithmetic (a spectral decomposition of A3). Since all three eigenvalues of A3 are verified to be positive, this also verifies that A3 is positive definite.


Another way of verifying positive definiteness consists in computing a verified Cholesky decomposition:


>> [ch,L]=verchol(A3)

ch =


intval L =

[    8.1240,    8.1241] [    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    9.6011,    9.6012] [    0.9045,    0.9046] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[   11.9398,   11.9399] [    1.5075,    1.5076] [    0.4082,    0.4083]


Here, L is verified to contain the exact Cholesky factor Lo of A3, so that A3=Lo*Lo’ holds in exact arithmetic. “ch==1” indicates that A3 is verified positive definite; “ch==0” would mean that A3 was verified NOT to be positive definite.


The multi-purpose function VERMATFUN allows computation of verified matrix functions. The respective function (in our case, the square root) should be given as an inline function (between apostrophes) in the first input variable. The third input value “1” should be included if we know beforehand that the result is real (otherwise it can be computed as complex).


>> F=vermatfun('sqrt(x)',A3,1)

intval F =

[    4.3849,    4.3850] [    4.4244,    4.4245] [    5.2150,    5.2151]

[    4.4244,    4.4245] [    5.4760,    5.4761] [    6.5907,    6.5908]

[    5.2150,    5.2151] [    6.5907,    6.5908] [    8.6235,    8.6236]


The interval matrix F is verified to contain a real matrix Fo satisfying Fo*Fo=A3 in exact arithmetic, so that F*F-A3 must contain the zero matrix. This can be checked by


>> F*F-A3

intval ans =

  1.0e-010 *

[   -0.1493,    0.1493] [   -0.1258,    0.1255] [   -0.1638,    0.1638]

[   -0.1778,    0.1781] [   -0.1498,    0.1498] [   -0.1954,    0.1952]

[   -0.2186,    0.2188] [   -0.1831,    0.1831] [   -0.2391,    0.2391]


Now, let us return to our original rectangular matrix


>> A

A =

     1     2     3     4

     5     6     7     8

     9    10    11    12


and let


>> b=A*ones(4,1)

b =





To solve the system of linear equations A*x=b, use


>> [sol,x,B]=verlinsys(A,b)

sol =


intval x =

[   -2.0001,   -1.9999]

[    5.9999,    6.0001]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

intval B =

[    0.2999,    0.3001] [   -0.4001,   -0.3999] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [    0.1999,    0.2001]

[   -0.4001,   -0.3999] [    0.6999,    0.7001] [   -0.2001,   -0.1999] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999]

[   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [   -0.2001,   -0.1999] [    0.6999,    0.7001] [   -0.4001,   -0.3999]

[    0.1999,    0.2001] [   -0.1001,   -0.0999] [   -0.4001,   -0.3999] [    0.2999,    0.3001]


x, B are verified to contain xo and Bo such that the set of solutions of A*x=b is described as { xo+Bo*y | y in R^4 } in exact arithmetic; thus the system has infinitely many solutions, which is also expressed by “sol==Inf”. Observe that xo is a “basic solution”: it has size(A,2)-rank(A) zero entries.


Let A be reduced to its first two columns. Then we have


>> [sol,x,B]=verlinsys(A(:,1:2),b)

sol =


intval x =

[   -2.0001,   -1.9999]

[    5.9999,    6.0001]

intval B =

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0000,    0.0000] [    0.0000,    0.0000]


sol==1” indicates that the system is verified to have exactly one solution which is verified to be contained in x. In this case B is a matrix of interval zeros by default.


Now take a randomly generated right-hand side:


>> b=rand(3,1)

b =




>> [sol,x,B]=verlinsys(A(:,1:2),b)

sol =


intval x =

[       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN]

intval B =

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN] [       NaN,       NaN]


The system is verified to possess no solution (“sol==0”); x and B consist of NaN’s.


The last set of examples concerns the VERLINPROG file for verified linear programming. In all three examples the data are randomly generated with the random number generator being always initialized anew, so that the data are reproducible:


>> rand('state',2); A=2*rand(3,5)-1, b=2*rand(3,1)-1, c=2*rand(5,1)-1, [flag,x,y,h]=verlinprog(A,b,c)

A =

    0.7503    0.3530    0.0582   -0.5126   -0.2864

   -0.3642   -0.8577   -0.6565    0.6858   -0.5352

   -0.4535   -0.6068    0.7399    0.1153    0.2952

b =




c =






flag =

verified optimum  

intval x =

[    1.7025,    1.7026]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.0028,    0.0029]

[    0.5701,    0.5702]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

intval y =

[    4.1681,    4.1682]

[    2.8710,    2.8711]

[    2.5103,    2.5104]

intval h =

[    1.6760,    1.6761]


As stated in the variable flag, a verified optimum has been achieved: it is verified that x contains an optimum, y contains a dual optimum, and h contains the optimal value.


>> rand('state',1); A=2*rand(3,5)-1, b=2*rand(3,1)-1, c=2*rand(5,1)-1, [flag,x,y,h]=verlinprog(A,b,c)

A =

    0.9056    0.1963    0.6736   -0.2482   -0.6009

    0.4081    0.6815    0.0374    0.7972   -0.3938

    0.9078   -0.1144   -0.9556   -0.1420    0.0766

b =




c =






flag =

verified unbounded

intval x =

[    0.5391,    0.5392]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.9582,    0.9583]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    0.5212,    0.5213]

intval y =

[    3.2172,    3.2173]

[    0.0000,    0.0000]

[    3.3771,    3.3772]

[    2.0431,    2.0432]

[    7.7909,    7.7910]

intval h =

[       NaN,       NaN]


The problem is verified unbounded; x is verified to enclose a primal feasible solution xo, and 
y is verified to enclose a vector yo such that the objective tends to –Inf along the feasible 
half-line { xo+t*yo | t>=0 } (see help verlinprog).


>> rand('state',3); A=2*rand(3,5)-1, b=2*rand(3,1)-1, c=2*rand(5,1)-1, [flag,x,y,h]=verlinprog(A,b,c)

A =

    0.0323   -0.5674    0.6431   -0.6163   -0.1337

   -0.5495   -0.1456   -0.2613   -0.5058    0.2221

   -0.6327    0.9412   -0.9409    0.1344   -0.9030

b =




c =






flag =

verified infeasible

intval x =

[       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN]

[       NaN,       NaN]

intval y =

[   -2.5958,   -2.5957]

[   -0.4838,   -0.4837]

[   -1.6398,   -1.6397]

intval h =

[       NaN,       NaN]


The problem is verified infeasible; y is verified to enclose a Farkas vector yo satisfying
A’*yo>=0, b’*yo<0 in exact arithmetic (whose existence proves primal infeasibility).