About me

Hi! I'm a logician based at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. I am affiliated with the Institute of Computer Science CAS, where I am a (tenured) researcher at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science working within the LogICS group. I am also affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, where I hold a part-time position at the Department of Logic. I am a proud member of the Logician's Liberation League.
Here's my CV.
I work mainly on modal and non-classical logic. I'm currently interested in non-classical modal logics, especially dynamic logics based on non-classical propositional logics, and probabilistic logics.
I am currently the Principal Investigator of the Czech-Taiwanese project KATRA: Knowledge, Action and Time - A Relevant Approach, jointly funded by the Czech Science Foundation and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan. The principal investigator on the Taiwanese side is Shawn Standefer. The project investigates relevant modal logics, with a focus on epistemic and temporal logics. The project will run from 2025-2027.
Recently, as principal investigator, I completed the project GRADLACT: Graded Logics of Action, funded by the Czech Science Foundation. The project aimed at studying graded (weighted, many-valued) versions of some logics of action, focusing mainly on versions of Propositional Dynamic Logic and Kleene algebra. The project ran during 2022-2024.
Other past projects: NOCLID (Czech Science Foundation, January 2018 - June 2021).
The full list of my publications is here. Here are some of my recent publications:
- I. Sedlár: Implicational Kleene Algebra With Domain and the Substructural Logic of Partial Correctness. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2024.
- I. Sedlár, P. Vigiani: Epistemic Logics for Relevant Reasoners. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2024.
- I. Sedlár: Completeness of Finitely Weighted Kleene Algebra with Tests. WoLLIC 2024.
- M. Bílková, I. Sedlár: Epistemic Logics of Structured Intensional Groups. TARK 2023.
- I. Sedlár: On the Complexity of Kleene Algebra with Domain. RAMiCS 2023.
- V. Punčochář, I. Sedlár, A. Tedder: Relevant Epistemic Logic with Public Announcements and Common Knowledge. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2023.
I am currently serving as a deputy head of the Department of Theoretical Computer Science at ICS CAS and I am also a member of the Board of the ICS CAS.
I serve, or have recently served, on the program committees of: Logica 2025 (co-chair), DaLí 2025, TbiLLC 2025, ReacTS 2024, AiML 2024, WoLLIC 2024, DaLí 2023, Logica 2023 (co-chair), AiML 2022, DaLí 2022, Logica 2022 (co-chair).
I was the main local organizer of AiML 2024 and I served on the organizing committee of RAMiCS 2024. I co-organize the Logica conference series. I co-organize the Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic at the ICS CAS.
Recently taught courses:
- Dynamic Logic. Charles University, fall 2023.
- Dynamic Logic. Charles University, fall 2021.
- Non-classical models of reasoning. Charles University, spring 2020. Co-taught with M. Bílková, P. Cintula and A. Tedder.
- Mathematical Logic. Czech Technical University, fall 2018
- Logic in Computer Science. Czech Technical University, spring 2018 and 2020. Co-taught with C. Noguera.
Dr. Igor Sedlár
Institute of Computer Science
Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 00 Prague 8, The Czech Republic