Húsek Dušan, Pokorný Jaroslav, Řezanková Hana, Snášel Václav
Data clustering: From documents to the Web Chapter 1 in the book: Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies, (Eds. Vakali A., Pallis G.), Idea Group Inc., 2007, pp. 1-33.
The chapter provides a survey of some clustering methods relevant to the clustering document collections and, in consequence, Web data. We start with classical methods of cluster analysis which seem to be relevant in approaching to cluster Web data. The graph clustering is also described since its methods contribute significantly to clustering Web data. A use of artificial neural networks for clustering has the same motivation. Based on previously presented material, the core of the chapter provides an overview of approaches to clustering in the Web environment. Particularly, we focus on clustering web search results, in which clustering search engines arrange the search results into groups around a common theme. We conclude with some general considerations concerning the justification of so many clustering algorithms and their application in the Web environment.
Hájek Petr
What does Mathematical Fuzzy Logic Offer to Description Logic?In the book: Fuzzy Logic and the Semantic Web. (Ed. Sanchez E.), Elsevier, 2006. ISBN: 0-444-51948-3
Continuous t-norm based fuzzy predicate logic is surveyed as a generalization of classical predicate logic; then a kind of fuzzy description logic based on our fuzzy predicate logic is briefly described as a powerful but still decidable formal system of description logic dealing with vague (imprecise) concepts.
Kůrková Věra
Inverse Problem in Data AnalysisIn: Przeglad elektrotechniczny, vol. 82, no. 4, 2006, pp. 41-47.
It is shown that learning from data modelled as minimaization of error functionals can be reformulated in terms of inverse problems. This reformulation allows to characterize optimal input-output functions of networks with kernel units.
Linková Zdeňka
Ontology-based Integration SystemIn: Proceedings of
Doktorandský den 06, 20.9.-22.9.2006, Monínec, Sedlec-Prčice,
Czech Republic, MATFYZPRESS, 2006, pp. 57-63 (ISBN: 80-86732-87-8)
Integration has been an acknowledged problem for a long time. With the aim at combining data from different sources, data integration usually provides a unified global view over these data. A crucial part of the task is the establishment of the connection between the global view and the local sources. Two basic approaches have been proposed for this purpose: Global As View (GAV) and Local As View (LAV).With the Semantic Web and its data description means, there is also another possibility - to employ ontologies for the relationship description in an integration system.
Nedbal Radim
General Relational Data Model with Preferences
In: Proceedings of
Doktorandský den 06, 20.9.-22.9.2006, Monínec, Sedlec-Prčice,
Czech Republic, MATFYZPRESS, 2006, pp. 78-84 (ISBN: 80-86732-87-8)
Řimnáč Martin
Odhadování struktury a asociativní úložiště dat
In: Proceedings of
Doktorandský den 06, 20.9.-22.9.2006, Monínec, Sedlec-Prčice,
Czech Republic, MATFYZPRESS, 2006, pp. 135-142 (ISBN: 80-86732-87-8)
Špánek Roman
Security Model Based on Virtual Organizations for Distributed Environments
In: Proceedings of
Doktorandský den 06, 20.9.-22.9.2006, Monínec, Sedlec-Prčice,
Czech Republic, MATFYZPRESS, 2006, pp. 164-171 (ISBN: 80-86732-87-8)
Daniel Milan
A Generalization of the minC Combination to DSm Hyper-power Sets
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (
IPMU 2006), Paris,
France, 2.7.-7.7.2006, Edition EDK 2006, pp. 420-427. ISBN: 2-84254-112-X
Vojtáš Peter
A Fuzzy EL Description logic with Crisp Roles and Fuzzy Aggregation for Web Consulting
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (
IPMU 2006), Paris,
France, 2.7.-7.7.2006, Edition EDK 2006, pp. 1834-1841. ISBN: 2-84254-112-X
Kudová Petra
Learning with Regularization Networks in BangIn: TAM06, Barcelona,
Spain, 14.6.-16.6.2006
In this paper we study learning with Regularization Networks (RN). RN are feedforward neural networks with one hidden layer. Since they have a very good theoretical background, we study their practical aspects and applicability. On experiments we demonstrate the role of the regularization parameter, compare RN with different kernels and parameter settings on benchmark data sets. Then we apply RN to a problem of a flow rate prediction, real data from Czech river Sázava are used. All experiments were made using the system Bang.
Wiedermann Jiří
Chtěli byste být mozkem v baňce, aneb o důležitosti vtělenosti a situovanosti při rozvoji mentálních schopností kognitivního agentaIn: Kognice a umělý život, Třešť, 28.5.-1.6.2006, (Ed. Kelemen J.), Slezská univerzita, Ostrava, 2006, pp. 421-427. ISBN: 80-7248-355-2
Moderní teorie kognitivních systémů pohlíží na tyto systémy jako na autonomní vtělené výpočetní systémy, které se situují v okolí prostřednictvím svých senzomotorických jednotek. Přesto zejména v kruzích počítačových teoretiků je opakovaně slyšet názory, že na kognici lze pořád možné pohlížet i „klasicky“, jako na problém specifického zpracování dat a že tudíž vtělení není nezbytné pro zachycení podstaty kognice. Ukážeme, že takto zjednodušený pohled opomíjí podstatnou vlastnost kognitivních systémů − a sice jejich aktivní vliv na výběr či dokonce vznik vstupních dat. Bez této zpětné vazby si systém nemůže vytvořit svůj vnitřní model světa poznaný prostřednictvím svých akcí. Pro vysvětlení povahy zmíněného problému použijeme výpočetní model kognitivních systémů zavedený autorem v předchozích pracích. Tento model umožní na principielní úrovni přemýšlet o fungování algoritmických mechanizmů imitace, komunikace, vzniku řeči, myšlení a vědomí a tím přispět i k jejich pochopení v živých systémech.
Neruda Roman
Cooperation of Computational IntelligenceIn: Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2006. CTS 2006.(Ed. Smari W.), Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society, 2006, pp. 256-263. ISBN: 0-9785699-0-3
Presented at: International Sympoium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 14.5.-17.5.2006, Las Vegas,
USIn this paper, a multi agent platform targeted toward the area of computational intelligence modeling is presented. We show the design of various computational agents creating multi agent systems, as well as the infrastructure capabilities. The focus of the system is the cooperation of agents, their interchangeability autonomous behavior, and emergence of new models. Two main areas of cooperation are presented: automated creation of a multi-agent system satisfying given constraints, and decision support for agent partner selection. It is demonstrated that such a system is able to assist in building hybrid artificial intelligence models based on data in a distributed environment.
Húsek Dušan, Frolov A. A., Polyakov P. Y., Řezanková Hana
Neural Network Based Boolean Factor Analysis: Efficient Tool for Automated Topics Search
In: Proceedings of International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology
CSIT 2006, Amman,
Jordan, 5.4.-7.4.2006, Applied Science Private University, Amman, 2006, pp. 321-327. ISBN: 9957-8592-X
Wiedermann Jiří
Grandiózne výzvy pre dlhodobý výskum v informatike Invited talk: SOFTEC 2006, Odborná konferencia o víziách a trendoch v moderných informačných technológiách, 2.3.2006, Bratislava, Hotel Danube,
SlovakiaExistujú v súčasnej informatike výzvy zrovnateľné s veľkými problémami, s ktorými je konfrontované ľudstvo v oblasti fyziky, biológie, či iných vedných a inžinierskych oblastí? Má súčasná informatika výskumné zámery svojim významom zrovnateľné s odhalením podstaty gravitácie? S cestou na Mars? S rozlúštením genetického kódu? V prednáške sa zamyslíme, ktoré problémy v informatike majú podobný charakter, prečo je dobré sústrediť sa na ich riešenie a aké riešenia sa rysujú.
Wiedermann Jiří
One Computer Theorist's View of Cognitive SystemsInvited talk: euCognition, The European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems, Inaugural Meeting, 16.2.-17.2.2006, Nice,
Daniel Milan
Formulas for Min-C Combination of Belief Functions
In: Proceedings of Eight International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, Liptovský Ján, 30.1.-3.2.2006, (Ed. Klement P.), Academy of Armed Forces of General M. R. Štefánik, Liptovský Mikuláš, 2006, pp. 32-33, ISBN: 80-8040-284-1
Wiedermann Jiří, Tel G., Pokorný Jaroslav, Bieliková M., Štuller Július
Editors: SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer ScienceEds: Proceedings of
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 21.1.-27.1.2006, Měřín,
Czech Republic, LNCS 3831, Springer, Berlin, 2006. (ISBN: 3-540-31198-X)
Wiedermann Jiří, Tel G., Pokorný Jaroslav, Bieliková M., Štuller Július
Editors: SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science
Eds: Proceedings of
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 21.1.-27.1.2006, Měřín,
Czech Republic, Volume II, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006. (ISBN 80-903298-4-5)
Linková Zdeňka, Nedbal Radim
VirGIS Data in Semantic Web EnvironmentIn: Proceedings of
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 21.1.-27.1.2006, Měřín,
Czech Republic, Volume II, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006, pp. 120-127. (ISBN 80-903298-4-5)
A crucial point in automated data processing is the way in which the data are expressed. One possibility is to employ existing features of the Semantic Web - ontologies. Ontologies play an important role in a knowledge representation.
The aim of the research presented in this paper is to provide more automated VirGIS system. VirGIS is an integration system that works with GIS (Geographical Information Systems) data. As a first step of our research, we describe its data using common Semantic Web techniques and build a VirGIS ontology.
Řimnáč Martin
Transforming Current Web Sources for Semantic Web UsageIn: Proceedings of
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 21.1.-27.1.2006, Měřín,
Czech Republic, Volume II, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006, pp. 155-165. (ISBN 80-903298-4-5)
The paper proposes a data structure modelling method, which aim is to estimate a structure model from a given input data set. The model can be seen as an estimate of data semantics ֠the obtained relations can be transformed into an RDF or OWL semantic web format documents to be included into the semantic web portfolio. The proposed method makes a connection between current web sources and the semantic web vision to be realized. Finally, the method usage and conversion rules are illustrated on an example.
Špánek Roman
RollingBall: Energy and QoS Aware Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksIn: Proceedings of
SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 21.1.-27.1.2006, Měřín,
Czech Republic, Volume II, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006, pp. 166-173. (ISBN 80-903298-4-5)
In the paper, we present a quality of service and energy aware communication protocol, called RollingBall. We do believe that QoS and energy awareness are two of the most important parameters in wireless sensor networks. The protocol is completely distributed with no centralized control. The key idea is to introduce a resistance calculation for every connection in the network. The resistance reflects the distance to the sink together with energy capabilities of particular sensor. While the resistance is continually re-calculated, packets are sent to the sink via an appropriate path. Such a scheme allows to spend minimum messages on network management, whereby sensor network lifetime is extended and throughput remains high.
Van Leeuwen Jan, Wiedermann Jiří
Lazy Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Dynamic Sets of Mobile AgentsTechnical Report UU-CS-2006-018, Department of Information and Computing Sciences,
Utrecht University, Utrecht,
The Netherlands, April 2006.
In MANETs and similar link-free networks of communicating objects there is no central authority for naming and connection management. Autoconfiguration of network nodes is therefore desirable and, building on approaches in IPv6, a number of ‘zero configuration’ networking protocols have been proposed for this case. Typically these protocols do not easily scale and have difficulty with network partitioning and merging. In this paper we propose a number of novel, decentralized techniques for name resolution in zero configuration protocols that are more flexible and yet lead to name extensions of smallest possible length, assuming that objects sufficiently mix within their ranges. Finally, the techniques are converted into a fully decentralized, scalable autoconfiguration protocol for use in ad hoc networks with directional antennas. The protocol is ‘lazy’ in the sense that name resolution is postponed until the moment that conflicts prevent the correct functioning of the communication structure.
Wiedermann Jiří
HUGO: A Cognitive Architecture with an Incorporated World ModelTechnical Report, V-966, ICS AS CR, PRague, 2006, 15p.
We present a design of cognitive system architecture with an internal world model. The internal world model is realized with the help of artificial mirror neurons. We consider generalized artificial mirror neurons acting both as a mechanism for assembling and learning multimodal sensorimotor information and as associative memory for invoking multimodal information given only some of its components. We show that within an artificial cognitive system a network of generalized mirror neurons can simultaneously serve as an internal world model recognized by the agent and as that of the agent's position within this world. We also specify a self-organizing control mechanism, which is based on the basic operations over concepts that were essentially identified by the British 18th century philosopher David Hume. This control mechanism makes use of the internal world model constructed in agent's interaction with real world and straightforwardly supports imitation learning. Building heavily on the properties of the generalized mirror net and on automatic abstract concept creation, we offer an algorithmic explanation of computational language acquisition, thinking and consciousness in our model. Rather than describing an implementation of the respective mechanisms, the aim of the paper is to establish a proof of the principle of algorithmic nature of higher cognitive functions.
Wiedermann Jiří
Chtěli byste být mozkem v baňce?Technical Report V-967, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006, 7p.
Moderní teorie kognitivních systémů pohlíží na tyto systémy jako na autonomní vtělené výpočetní systémy, které se situují v okolí prostřednictvím svých senzomotorických jednotek. Přesto zejména v kruzích počítačových teoretikù je opakovaně slyšet názory, že na kognici lze pořád možné pohlížet i "klasicky", jako na problém specifického zpracování dat a že tudíž vtělení není nezbytné pro zachycení podstaty kognice. Ukážeme, že takto zjednodušený pohled opomíjí podstatnou vlastnost kognitivních systémů - a sice jejich aktivní vliv na výběr či dokonce vznik vstupních dat. Bez této zpětné vazby si systém nemůže vytvořit svůj vnitřní model světa poznaný prostřednictvím svých akcí. Pro vysvětlení povahy zmíněného problému použijeme výpočetní model kognitivních systémů zavedený autorem v předchozích pracích. Tento model umožní na principielní úrovni přemýšlet o fungování algoritmických mechanizmů imitace, komunikace, vzniku řeči, myšlení a vědomí a tím přispět i k jejich pochopení v živých systémech.
Linková Zdeňka
European Summer School in Information Retrieval ESSIR 2005Technical Report V-949, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006, 8p.
Information Retrieval (IR) as a process of searching relevant information is a significant discipline of a data processing field. European Summer School in Information Retrieval ESSIR provides students, academic and industrial researchers and developers a grounding in the core objects of IR (models, architectures, algorithms), as well as covering some current topics, e.g. information retrieval from the Web. We have participated its 5th year that was held at Dublin City University in Dublin, Ireland.