Presented as a poster at: ISWC 2004, Hiroshima,
Japan, 7.11.-11.11.2004.
This paper presents OASIS – a new tool that enables (semi)automatic conversion of existing knowledge bases, semantic networks, terminological databases and various other resources to complex ontologies into OWL. The tool is implemented as a client of DEB (Dictionary Editor and Browser) which is able to store, index and efficiently retrieve lexical data. The architecture is based on XML and related W3C standards (XSLT, XML Schema, XPath, DOM).
The main feature which brings the efficiency of the transformation is the extension of a standard XSLT processor with the ability to obtain additional data from the server through the mechanism of nested queries. This technique allows formulation of complex constraints needed in the conversion to OWL.
In: Semantic Web Workshop at 27th Annual International
ACM SIGIR Conference, University of Sheffield, Sheffield,
Great Britain, 25.7-29.7.2004, pp. 58-68.
Discovering the complex relationships between entities is one way of benefitting from the Semantic Web. This paper discusses new approaches to implementing rho-operators into RDF querying engines which will enable discovering such relationships viable. The cornerstone of such implementation is creating an index which describes the original RDF graoh. The index is created by recursive application of a transformation of graph to forest of trees and then to each tree its extended signature is created. The signatures are accompanied by the additional information about transformed problematic nodes breaking the tree structure. The components described by the signatures are assumed as a single node in the following step. The transitions between the signatures represent edges.
In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Corpus Linguisitcs, Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg State University Press, 2004, pp. 124-132. ISBN 5-288-03531-8
This paper deals with a newly designed and developed system Manatee that can be employed to manage corpora, especially extremely large ones with billions of words, and enables the efficient evaluation of complex queries and the computation of advanced statistics. The main functions of the tool are presented here, together with the introduction of its web-based graphical user interface, Bonito. The sophisticated statistical processing is demonstrated in an example of computing of Word Sketches. Special attention is paid to the definition of the word sketches for Czech and problems connected to its free word order.