Presented at: iiWAS2004 Information Integration and Web Based Applications & Services, Jakarta,
Indonesia. 27.9.-29.09.2004.
In: Int. Journal of Web Information Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 25-32, Troubador Publishing LTD.

This paper describes an approach for mediation of heterogeneous XML schemas. Such an approach is proposed as a tool for XML data integration system. A global XML schema is specified by the designer to provide a homogeneous view over heterogeneous XML data. An XML mediation layer is introduced to manage: (1) establishing appropriate mappings between the global schema and the schemas of the sources; (2) querying XML data sources in terms of the global schema. The XML data sources are described by XML Schema language. The former task is performed through a semi-automatic process that generates local and global paths. A tree structure for each XML schema is constructed and represented by a simple form. This is in turn used for assigning indices manually to match local paths to corresponding global paths. By gathering all paths with the same indices, the equivalent local and global paths are grouped automatically, and an XML Metadata Document is constructed. An XML Query Translator for the latter task is described to translate a global user query into local queries by using the mappings that are defined in the XML Metadata Document.
In: Proceedings of the
IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2004, Madrid,
Spain. 6.-9. 10. 2004, (Eds. Isaias P., Karmakar N.), IADIS, pp. 115-122.
Since XML becomes a crucial format for representing information, it is necessary to establish techniques for managing XML documents. A possible solution can be found in storing XML data in (object-)relational databases. For this purpose most of the existing techniques often exploit an XML schema of the stored XML data, usually expressed in DTD. But the more complex today’s applications are, the more insufficient the DTD becomes and the necessity to use XML Schema language becomes more essential.
The paper proposes an algorithm for mapping XML Schema structures to an object-relational database schema (defined by the SQL:1999 standard) using a (modified) DOM interface and an algorithm for storing the valid XML data into relations of the resulting schema. The main aim is to exploit object-oriented features XML Schema has and the advantages of object-relational databases and to preserve the structure as well as semantic constraints of the source schema in the target schema.
In: Information Systems Development: Advances in Theory, Practice and Education - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Systems Development,
ISD'2004, (Eds. Vasilecas O. et al.), Vilnius,
Lithuania, 9.9.-11.9.2004, ISBN: 0-387-25026-3