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- 1
- Chris Bishop. Improving the Generalization Properties of RBF
Neural Networks. Neural Computation, 3:579-588, 1991.
- 2
- Stan Franklin, Art Graesser. ``Is it an Agent, or just a
Program'': A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents'', Intelligent Agents III,
str. 21-35, 1997
- 3
- Rober M. Gray. Vector Quantization. IEEE ASSP Magazine, 1:4-29,
- 4
- Simon Haykin. Neural Networks. Macmillan College Publishing
Company, New York, 1994.
- 5
- Pavel Krušina, Roman Neruda, Zuzana Petrová. Soft Computing
Agents and Bang2. Technical report No. 819. Institute of Computer
Science. Praque, 2000.
- 6
- John Moody, Christian Darken. Learning with Localized Receptive
Fields. Proceedings of the Connectionist Models Summer School. San Mateo:
Morgan Kaufmann, 1989, 1988.
- 7
- Roman Neruda. Functional Equivalence and Genetic Learning of RBF
Networks. Praque, 1997. Institute of Computer Science.
- 8
- Milan Práger. Numerická matematika I. SPN, Praha 1981
- 9
- Jiří Šíma, Roman Neruda. Teoretické otázky neuronových sítí.
Matfyzpress, 1996.
- 10
- J.H.Wilkinson, C.Reinsch. Handbook for Automatic
Computation. Volume II, Linear Algebra. Springer, Berlin, 1971.
- 11
- Jan Zítko. Úvod do numerické matematiky, 2. svazek. SPN, Praha
- 12
- On-line dokumentace na
Petra Kudova