RNDr. Věra Kůrková, DrSc. |
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First, Psyche was ordered to sort out before nightfall a vast heap of mixed grains (wheat, barley, and the like). In this endeavor an ant came to her rescue and summoned his army to isolate each different grain. Other photos interview 2016 (in czech: Journal Interview) interview 2021 (in czech: Rozhovory s nominantkami na Cenu MP 2021) Scholar DBLP |
Institute of Computer Science |
phone: +420 266 053 231 |
Czech Academy of Sciences |
fax: +420 286 585 789 |
Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, 182 07 Prague 8 |
e-mail: vera at cs dot cas dot cz |
Czech Republic |
www: http://www.cs.cas.cz/~vera/ |
Research interests: - mathematical theory of neural networks - mathematical theory of learning - nonlinear approximation theory |
  associate editor Neural Networks (Elsevier) Neural Processing Letters (Springer) Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (Elsevier) president of the European Neural Network Society (ENNS) 2017-2019 member of the Board of ENNS since 2008 general chair of conferences ICANN 2008 and ICANNGA 2001 co-chair of conferences ICANN 2017 and ICANN 2018 honorary chair ICANN 2019, ICANN 2020, ICANN 2021   |
Selected publications: - in journals - chapters and articles in books |