Research Scientist
David Cerna is a Researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Computer Science (CAS ICS). He is currently the Czech Principal investigator of the GACR-FWF international project PANDAFOREST, co-representative for Czechia within the Cost Action EUROPROOFNET, and the institute representative within the CLAIRE Research Network. He previously lead the Linz Institute of Technology Young researcher project MathLP. Prior to accepting his position at CAS ICS, he spend numerous years at the Research Institute for Symbolic computation (RISC) as a postdoctoral researcher within several projects (LOGTECHEDU, GALA, LogicGuard II). His research interest include, but are not limited to, artificial intelligence, automated reasoning, unification, anti-unification, computational logic, and proof theory.
Office 324 Institute of Computer Science The Czech Academy of Sciences Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2 182 07 Prague 8 Czechia