Iterative Methods in Computational Mathematics:
Analysis, Preconditioning, and Applications
About the Project
Iterative Methods in Computational Mathematics: Analysis, Preconditioning, and Applications
is a project of the
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic,
identification code 13-06684S.
The project has started on February 1st, 2013 and is planned for 5 years.
Krylov subspace methods, preconditioning, convergence analysis, regularization methods, total least squares, sparse
Aim of the Project
The project deals with iterative methods for several important
problems of numerical linear algebra. It includes their basic phases
starting from their analysis, involving preconditioning, solving
ill-posed problems as well as real-world applications. We focus on
Krylov subspace methods, open questions related to their
convergence, associated matrix approximation problems, error
estimation and stopping criteria. We study various preconditioning
techniques including new algorithms based on incomplete
factorizations and orthogonalization schemes, and block saddle-point
preconditioning. The project deals also with analysis of
regularization methods for solving ill-posed problems in image and
signal processing, open problems in total least squares and
Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization. An inseparable part of our work is a
broad international collaboration and selected real-world
applications such as the approximation of scattering amplitude and
nuclear magnetic resonance.
International collaboration
During the project we plan to continue long lasting and very
rewarding collaboration with coauthors of our papers, in particular
with Mario Arioli, RAL, England; Michele Benzi, Emory University,
USA; Ake Bjorck, Linkoping University, Sweden; Vance Faber, BD
Biosciences, USA; Luc Giraud, ENSEEIHT, France; Anne Greenbaum,
University of Washington, USA; Martin Gutknecht, ETH Zurich,
Switzerland; Julien Langou, University of Colorado at Denver and
Health Sciences Center, USA; Jorg Liesen, TU-Berlin, Germany; Gerard
Meurant, CEA, France; Jim Nagy, Emory University, USA; Dianne P.
O'Leary, University of Maryland, USA; Chris C. Paige, McGill
University, Canada; Valeria Simoncini, University of Bologna, Italy;
Martin Vohralik, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, France; Pavel
Jiranek, CERFACS, France; Reijo Kouhia, University of Tampere;
Jennifer Scott, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Alicja Smoktunowicz,
Polish Academy of Sciences. In addition to that we hope to intensify
collaboration with Daniel Szyld, Temple University, USA (on
numerical stability and inexact Krylov subspace methods); We will
seek advice from and regularly communicate with many other leading
researchers in the field, including Michael Eiermann and Oliver
Ernst from TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; Volker Mehrmann, TU
Berlin, Germany; Per Christian Hansen, TU of Denmark, Sabine Van
Huffel and Diana Sima, KU Leuven, Belgium. We have fruitful and
intensive exchange of ideas with many other researchers in the
field, and it can also lead to a joint work in the future.