31.5.2013, On computing inverse entries of a sparse matrix in an out-of-core environment Bora Ucar
(Computer Science Laboratory, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon). homepageabstract
31.5.2013, Hybrid preconditioners for the parallel solution to large sparse linear systems Massimiliano Ferronato
(Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padova). homepageabstract
4.6.2013, Loewner matrices Rajendra Bhatia
(Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi). homepageabstract
11.6.2013, Beyond the polar decomposition Rajendra Bhatia
(Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi). homepageabstract
30.7.2013, Permanents, determinants, and generalized complementary basic matrices Frank Jerry Hall
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University, Atlanta). abstract
17.9.2013, Quantitative stability in disjunctive programming Helmut Gfrerer
(Institute of Computational Mathematics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz). abstract
8.10.2013, Optimalizace v UI (pokracovani) Ladislav Luksan
(UI AV CR Praha). homepage
15.10.2013, Neuplna inverzni faktorizace jako nastroj pro reseni Kohn-Shamovych rovnic Miroslav Tuma
(UI AV CR Praha). homepageabstract
29.10.2013, Bi-CG residual norms and eigenvalues Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens
(UI AV CR Praha). homepageabstract
19.11.2013, The location of the Arnoldi Ritz values for normal matrices Gerard Meurant
(Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Paris). homepage
19.11.2013, A finite element method for a three-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problem Gabriel N. Gatica
(Dept. de Ing. Matem., Universidad de Concepcion, Chile). homepageabstract
3.12.2013, How to generalize the Golub-Welsch algorithm to the case of rational Gauss quadrature Miroslav Pranic
(University of Banja Luka).