Logicians at the ICS CAS

Welcome to the webpages of the Logic Group of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS). You'll find us here.

Latest News & Updates


Past members: Paolo Baldi (→ University of Milan), Stefano Bonzio (→ Polytechnic University of the Marche in Ancona), Libor Běhounek (→ University of Ostrava), Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (→ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Nicholas Ferenz (→ University of Lisbon); David Fernández-Duque (→ University of Barcelona), Karel Chvalovský (→ Czech Technical University), Petr Hájek (✞), Dagmar Harmancová, Rostislav Horčík (→ Czech Technical University), Tommaso Moraschini (→ University of Barcelona), Milan Petrík (→ Czech University of Life Sciences), Adam Přenosil (→ University of Barcelona), Luca Reggio (→ University of Oxford), Andrew Tedder (→ Ruhr University Bochum), Amanda Vidal (→ IIIA-CSIC Barcelona), Jamie Wannenburg (→ University of Pretoria), Kentarô Yamamoto (→ Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics).

Our Research Focus

Research topics: non-classical logic, modal logic, substructural logics, dynamic logic, abstract algebraic logic, universal algebra, philosophy of mathematics, epistemic logic, relevant logic, algebras for program verification, probabilistic logics, and much more...

Current Projects:

Recent Projects:

Upcoming Seminars & Events

Our regular research seminar runs on Wednesdays 4pm and talks are often streamed via Zoom. More information can be found here. To join the seminar mailing list, contact the seminar organisers, Zuzana Haniková and Igor Sedlár.

Upcoming talks:

This list will be updated.

Join Us

The ICS and the Czech Academy of Sciences regularly open calls for postdoctoral researchers, and tenure-track positions are opened on a yearly basis at the ICS. Let us know if you are interested in applying.

Current calls:

The ICS welcomes applications within international schemes such as the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. Applications are particularly encouraged since the government of the Czech Republic supports no-money MSCA-PF projects. Another funding option are the Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships of the Czech Science Foundation. Do get in touch if you're interested in applying.

Teaching and Supervision

Members of the group offer supervision of Master and PhD theses focusing on their research topics. We can serve as supervisors and co-supervisors for students based at universities in and outside the Czech Republic. Get in touch if you're interested in writing your thesis with us.

Current PhD students:

Past PhD students:

Recently taught courses: