Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic

Welcome to the webpages of the seminar of the LogICS group. The seminar usually takes place on Wednesdays 4pm in the lecture room 318 of the Institute of Computer Science (Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, Prague 8. See the map). The seminar hosts talks on recent work in mathematical logic and applications by members of the Prague logic community and guests. Talks are often streamed via Zoom.

To join the seminar mailing list, contact the seminar organisers, Zuzana Haniková and Igor Sedlár. For more information on ICS seminars, take a look at the seminar section of the ICS webpages.

The seminar is supported by the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics The seminar archive can be found here.

For students: The seminar can be attended as an optional course (e.g. as course ALG500011 at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University). For more information about this, including grading details, contact the seminar organisers, Zuzana Haniková and Igor Sedlár.

Upcoming Talks

  • 05.03.2025
    Nicholas Ferenz (University of Lisbon): Topics, Focus, and Relevance Properties in First-Order Relevant Logic


  • Recent Talks