Seminar in psychometrics
This seminar explores statistical and data science methods for analyzing measurement in the social sciences. It features presentations from both local and visiting scholars, highlighting current research in the field. Sessions include practical demonstrations—primarily in R—using real-world measurement data from education, psychology, and related disciplines.Taught as a course NMST571 and as a course OPDQ1P126B at Charles University.
Jointly held as the COMPS group seminar at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Seminar is co-hosted by Jiří Lukavský.
Webpage of a related course: Statistical Methods in Psychometrics
Previous seminar years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
Nov 25, 2024 | If you want to participate as a guest, please send me an e-mail. Hybrid form is expected, link for the ZOOM sessions will be sent to enrolled students and registered participants via e-mail. |
Feb 21, 2025 | Google form for questions is available at this link. |
Tentative course schedule 2025
In-person meetings are planned on Mondays, 4:00 - 5:30 PM CET, in plenary room 318, ICS CAS, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, Praha 8.
Invited talks are approximatelly 60 minutes long, followed by a discussion.
Feb 17 | No meeting | |
Feb 24 | Seminar meeting (room 318 or 107): Introduction | |
Mar 3 | Reading assigned (no meeting) | |
Mar 10 | Reading assigned (no meeting) | |
March 17 | Seminar meeting | |
March 24 | Reading assigned (no meeting) | |
March 31 | Invited talk: Rachel Heyard (University of Zurich): Methodological innovations in decision-making for research funding with a focus on transparency and reproducibility. | Abstract |
Apr 7 | Invited talk: Rudolf Debelak (University of Zurich): Automatic item generation in education: Current techniques and challenges | Abstract |
Apr 14 | Invited talk: Marie-Ann Sengewald (LIfBi – Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories): The importance of latent variables for causal inference | Abstract |
April 21 | No meeting (Easter Monday) | |
April 28 | Invited talk: Joakim Wallmark (Umeå University): IRTorch: Item Response Theory with Python | Abstract |
May 5 | Alina von Davier (Duolingo): TBD | Abstract |
May 12 | Denny Borsboom (University of Amsterdam): Turning psychometrics on its head: What if our constructs were networks? | Abstract |
May 19 | Student presentations, seminar closing |
Course credit requirements
The credit will be awarded to the student who is actively present and who hands in feedback by the prescribed deadline. For exam under the course OPDQ1P126B, students are required to hand in and/or present project/topic of their preference.
Course texts
Martinková P, & Hladká A. (2023). Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods: With R. Chapman and Hall/CRC. doi: 10.1201/9781003054313
Manuscripts related to invited talks.