About me
Hi! I'm a logician based at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. I am affiliated with the Institute of Computer Science CAS, where I am a (tenured) researcher at the Department of Theoretical Computer Science working within the LogICS group. I am also affiliated with the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, where I hold a part-time position at the Department of Logic. I am a proud member of the Logician's Liberation League.
Here's my CV.
I work mainly on modal and non-classical logic. I'm currently interested in non-classical modal logics, especially dynamic logics based on non-classical propositional logics.
I am currently the principal investigator of the project GRADLACT: Graded Logics of Action, funded by the Czech Science Foundation. The project aims at studying graded (weigted, many-valued) versions of some logics of action, focusing mostly on versions of Propositional Dynamic Logic and Kleene algebra. The project is running during 2022-2024.
Recently I completed, as a principal investigator, the NOCLID project, funded by the Czech Science Foundation (January 2018 - June 2021). The project focused on applications of non-classical logics in modelling information dynamics.
The full list of my publications is here. Here are some of my recent publications:
- I. Sedlár: Implicational Kleene Algebra With Domain and the Substructural Logic of Partial Correctness. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2024.
- I. Sedlár, P. Vigiani: Epistemic Logics for Relevant Reasoners. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2024.
- I. Sedlár: Completeness of Finitely Weighted Kleene Algebra with Tests. WoLLIC 2024.
- M. Bílková, I. Sedlár: Epistemic Logics of Structured Intensional Groups. TARK 2023.
- I. Sedlár: On the Complexity of Kleene Algebra with Domain. RAMiCS 2023.
- V. Punčochář, I. Sedlár, A. Tedder: Relevant Epistemic Logic with Public Announcements and Common Knowledge. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2023.
I am currently serving as a deputy head of the Department of Theoretical Computer Science at ICS CAS and I am also a member of the Board of the ICS CAS.
I serve, or have recently served, on the program committees of: Logica 2025 (co-chair), DaLí 2025, TbiLLC 2025, ReacTS 2024, AiML 2024, WoLLIC 2024, DaLí 2023, Logica 2023 (co-chair), AiML 2022, DaLí 2022, Logica 2022 (co-chair).
I was the main local organizer of AiML 2024 and I served on the organizing committee of RAMiCS 2024. I co-organize the Logica conference series. I co-organize the Seminar on Applied Mathematical Logic at the ICS CAS.
Recently taught courses:
- Dynamic Logic. Charles University, fall 2023.
- Dynamic Logic. Charles University, fall 2021.
- Non-classical models of reasoning. Charles University, spring 2020. Co-taught with M. Bílková, P. Cintula and A. Tedder.
- Mathematical Logic. Czech Technical University, fall 2018
- Logic in Computer Science. Czech Technical University, spring 2018 and 2020. Co-taught with C. Noguera.
Dr. Igor Sedlár
Institute of Computer Science
Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 00 Prague 8, The Czech Republic