Jan Hladky

email: hladky@cs.cas.cz.

I am a researcher at the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences. I am interested in discrete mathematical structures, and graphs in particular. Most of my work has been in extremal graph theory. I also work on the recently emerged theory of graph limits, and on the links this theory provides to fields such as real analysis and probability theory.

Information about other researchers, events, and openings at the Institute in the area of discrete mathematics can be found here.

My resume is here.

GACR EXPRO Project Graph limits and beyond (January 2021-December 2025). Before that, I worked on the GACR Junior Project Graph limits and inhomogeneous random graphs.

Research papers

Events that I coorganized or coorganize currently

Recent and upcoming talks and stays

A comment on business travels and climate change/Komentář k pracovním cestám a globálnímu oteplování. ... and older talks here.