Jan Hladký, Daniel Iĺkovič, Jared León, Xichao Shu: On cospectral graphons
Frederik Garbe, Jan Hladký: A tower lower bound for the degree relaxation of the Regularity Lemma
Jan Hladký, Eng Keat Hng, Anna Margarethe Limbach: Graphon branching processes and fractional isomorphism
[arXiv]. [video] and [slides]
Jan Hladký, Gopal Viswanathan: Random minimum spanning tree and dense graph limits
Jan Hladký, Gopal Viswanathan: Connectivity of inhomogeneous random graphs II
[arXiv], [video], [slides].
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Dennis Clemens, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet, Anusch Taraz: The tree packing conjecture for trees of almost linear maximum degree
Jan Hladký, Hanka Řada: Permutation flip processes
At this moment only as an [extended abstract] in the proceedings of Eurocomb 2023.
Frederik Garbe, Jan Hladký, Matas Šileikis, Fiona Skerman: From flip processes to dynamical systems on graphons
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, volume 60 (4), pages 2878-2922, [arXiv], [published]. [Here] is an identical copy of the published paper available as open access. [video]
Frederik Garbe, Jan Hladký, Gábor Kun, Kristýna Pekárková: On pattern-avoiding permutons
Random Structures and Algorithms, volume 65, pages 46-60; [arXiv], [published]. [Here] is an identical copy of the published paper available as open access.
Pedro Araújo, Jan Hladký, Eng Keat Hng, Matas Šileikis: Prominent examples of flip processes
Random Structures and Algorithms, volume 64, pages 692-740; [arXiv], [published]. For video, see From flip processes to dynamical systems on graphons.
Frederik Garbe, Robert Hancock, Jan Hladký, Maryam Sharifzadeh: Limits of Latin squares
Discrete Analysis 2023:8; [arXiv], [published]. [Extended abstract] appeared in the proceedings of Eurocomb 2019 [here]
Jan Hladký, Eng Keat Hng: Approximating fractionally isomorphic graphons
European Journal of Combinatorics, volume 113, 103751; [arXiv], [published]. [Extended abstract] appeared in the proceedings of Eurocomb 2023
Martin Doležal, Jan Grebík, Jan Hladký, Israel Rocha, Václav Rozhoň: Cut distance identifying graphon parameters over weak* limits
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, volume 189, 105615 [arXiv], [published]
Frederik Garbe, Jan Hladký, Joonkyung Lee: Two remarks on graph norms
Discrete & Computational Geometry, volume 67, pages 919-929 (2022) [arXiv], [published]. [video]
Martin Doležal, Jan Grebík, Jan Hladký, Israel Rocha, Václav Rozhoň: Relating the cut distance and the weak* topology for graphons
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B, Volume 147, 2021, Pages 252-298, [arXiv], [published]
Martin Doležal, Jan Hladký, Jan Kolář, Themis Mitsis, Christos Pelekis, Václav Vlasák: A Turan-type theorem for large-distance graphs in Euclidean spaces, and related isodiametric problems
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 66(1), 281-300 (2021). [arXiv], [published]. [Here] is an identical copy of the published paper available as open access. [Extended abstract] appeared in the proceedings of Eurocomb 2019 [here]
Jan Hladký, Ping Hu, Diana Piguet: Tilings in graphons
European Journal of Combinatorics 93 (2021), 103284. [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Christos Pelekis, Matas Šileikis: A limit theorem for small cliques in inhomogeneous random graphs
Journal of Graph Theory 97 (4), pages 578-599, [arXiv], [published]
Anna Adamaszek, Peter Allen, Codruț Grosu, Jan Hladký: Almost all trees are almost graceful
Random Structures and Algorithms Volume 56 (4), pages 948-987, [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Israel Rocha: Independent sets, cliques, and colorings in graphons
European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 88, 103108, [arXiv], [published]. A [video] which covers basic aspects of the theory of graphons explains some of the results.
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet: Packing degenerate graphs
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 354, 106739. [arXiv] (note that the latest arXiv version corrects a small error found after the paper was published in the Advances), [published]
A description of the result is available as an announcement [here]. A version of this announcement which was shortened by ca 1.5 pages for publication purposes appeared in the Proceedings of Eurocomb 2017 [here].
Martin Doležal, Jan Hladký: Cut-norm and entropy minimization over weak* limits
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B, 137, pages 232-263. [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Ping Hu, Diana Piguet: Komlos's tiling theorem via graphon covers
Journal of Graph Theory, 90(1), pages 24-45. [arXiv], [published]
Martin Doležal, Jan Hladký: Matching polytons
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 26, Issue 4 (2019), P4.38, [arXiv], [published]
A summary of this paper and of "Tilings in graphons" appeared in the Proceedings of Eurocomb 2017 [here].
Jan Hladký, Asaf Nachmias, Tuan Tran: The local limit of the uniform spanning tree on dense graphs
Journal of Statistical Physics 173 (2018), no. 3-4, 502-545. [arXiv], [published]. [Here] is an identical copy of the published paper available as open access.
Martin Doležal, Jan Hladký, András Máthé: Cliques in dense inhomogeneous random graphs
Random structures and algorithms, 51(2), pages 275-314. [arXiv], [published], [video], [slides].
Jan Hladký, János Komlós, Diana Piguet, Miklós Simonovits, Maya J. Stein, Endre Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture I: The sparse decomposition
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31(2), pages 945-982. [arXiv]; [copy of the published version], [published]
Jan Hladký, János Komlós, Diana Piguet, Miklós Simonovits, Maya J. Stein, Endre Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture II: The rough structure of LKS graphs
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31(2), pages 983-1016. [arXiv]; [copy of the published version], [published]
Jan Hladký, János Komlós, Diana Piguet, Miklós Simonovits, Maya J. Stein, Endre Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture III: The finer structure of LKS graphs
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31(2), pages 1017-1071. [arXiv]; [copy of the published version], [published]
Jan Hladký, János Komlós, Diana Piguet, Miklós Simonovits, Maya J. Stein, Endre Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture IV: Embedding techniques and the proof of the main result
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31(2), pages 1072-1148. [arXiv]; [copy of the published version], [published]
Jan Hladký, Daniel Kráľ, Sergey Norin: Counting flags in triangle-free digraphs
Combinatorica 37 (2017), no. 1, 49-176; [arXiv], [published]. [Here] is an identical copy of the published paper available as open access
extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link]
Péter Csikvári, Péter E. Frenkel, Jan Hladký, Tamás Hubai: Chromatic roots and limits of dense graphs
Discrete Mathematics, Volume 340, Issue 5, 2017, p. 1129-1135; [arXiv], [published]
Michał Adamaszek, Jan Hladký: Upper bound theorem for odd-dimensional flag triangulations of manifolds
Mathematika, volume 62, issue 03, pp. 909-928; [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet: Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture: dense case
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 116, (2016), p. 123-190; [arXiv], [published]
extended abstract coauthored by O. Cooley appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link]
Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet, Anusch Taraz: An approximate version of the Tree Packing Conjecture
Israel Journal of Mathematics, vol. 211, issue 1, pp 391-446; [arXiv], [published]
extended abstract appeared in the proceedings of RANDOM 2014; [link]
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet: A density Corradi-Hajnal theorem
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 67 (4), (2015), p.721-758; [arXiv] (where you can also find auxiliary computer algebra files); [published]
extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2011, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics [link]
Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet, Miklós Simonovits, Maya J. Stein, Endre Szemerédi: The approximate Loebl-Komlos-Sos conjecture and embedding trees in sparse graphs
Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences 22, p.1-11; [arXiv], [published]
Michał Adamaszek, Jan Hladký: Dense flag triangulations of 3-manifolds via extremal graph theory
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367, 2743-2764; [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, András Máthé, Viresh Patel, Oleg Pikhurko: Poset limits can be totally ordered
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (2015), 4319-4337; [arXiv], [published]
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet: An extension of Turan's Theorem, uniqueness and stability
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21 (4) (2014), paper P4.5, 11 pages;
[arXiv], [published]
Demetres Christofides, Jan Hladký, András Máthé: Hamilton cycles in dense vertex-transitive graphs
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series B, volume 109 (2014), p. 34-72; [arXiv], [published]
extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2011, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics [link]
Josef Cibulka, Jan Hladký, Michael A. La Croix, David G. Wagner: A combinatorial proof of Rayleigh monotonicity for graphs
Ars Combinatoria, volume 117 (2014), p. 333-348; [arXiv]
a slightly different approach can be found in this manuscript
Hamed Hatami, Daniel Kráľ, Jan Hladký, Serguei Norine, Alexander Razborov: On the number of pentagons in triangle-free graphs
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, 120 (3) (2013) 722-732; [arXiv], [published]
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet: Turannical hypergraphs
Random Structures and Algorithms, 42(1) (2013), 29-58; [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Daniel Kráľ, Serguei Norine: Rank of divisors on tropical curves
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A; 120 (7) (2013) 1521-1538; [arXiv], [published]
Hamed Hatami, Daniel Kráľ, Jan Hladký, S. Norine, Alexander Razborov: Non-three-colorable common graphs exist
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 21 (2012) 734-742; [arXiv],
Codruț Grosu, Jan Hladký: The extremal function for partial bipartite tilings
European Journal of Combinatorics, 33 (5) (2012), 807-815; [arXiv], [published]
Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký, Diana Piguet: The tripartite Ramsey number for trees
Journal of Graph Theory 69 (3) (2012), 264-300; [arXiv], [published]
extended abstract appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link]
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Jan Hladký: Filling the gap between Turan's theorem and Posa's conjecture
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 84(2) (2011), 269-302; [arXiv], [published]
extended abstract coauthored by O. Cooley appeared in proceedings of Eurocomb 2009, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics; [link]
Jan Hladký, Daniel Kráľ, Uwe Schauz: Brooks' Theorem via the Alon-Tarsi Theorem
Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 3426-3428; [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Mathias Schacht: Note on bipartite graph tilings
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 24(2) (2010), 357-362; [arXiv], [published]
Jan Hladký, Daniel Kráľ, Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Michael Stiebitz: List colorings with measurable sets
Journal of Graph Theory, 59 (3) (2008), p. 229-238; [preprint], [published]
Jan Hladký, Jan Novák, Pavel Pyrih, Marek Sterzik, Martin Tancer: An engine breaking the $\Omega EP$-property
Topology and its Applications, 153 (2006), p. 3621-3626; [published]