ics Institute of Computer Science
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Department of Computational Mathematics

Ctirad Matonoha

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--- Papers ---

Matonoha C., Papáček Š., Lynnyk V.
On an optimal setting of delays for the D-QSSA model reduction method applied to a class of chemical reaction networks
Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 67, No. 6, 2022, p. 831-857

Kalina J., Matonoha C.
A sparse pair-preserving centroid-based supervised learning method for high-dimensional biomedical data or images
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 40, 2020, p. 774-786

Duintjer Tebbens J., Matonoha C., Matthios A., Papáček Š.
On parameter estimation in an in vitro compartmental model for drug-induced enzyme production in pharmacotherapy
Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2019, p. 253-277

Papáček Š., Macdonald B., Matonoha C.
Closed-form formulas vs. PDE based numerical solution for the FRAP data processing: Theoretical and practical comparison
Computers & Mathematics With Applications, Vol. 73, No. 8, 2017, p. 1673-1683

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
On the connection and equivalence of two methods for solving an ill-posed inverse problem based on FRAP data
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 290, 2015, p. 598-608

Kaňa R., Kotabová E., Lukeš M., Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Liu L.N., Prášil O., Mullineaux C.W.
Phycobilisome Mobility and Its Role in the Regulation of Light Harvesting in Red Algae
Plant Physiology, Vol. 165, 2014, p. 1618-1631

Papáček Š., Kaňa R., Matonoha C.
Estimation of diffusivity of phycobilisomes on thylakoid membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 57, No. 7-8, 2013, p. 1907-1912

Červinka M., Matonoha C., Outrata J.
On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs
Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2013, p. 186-206

Finěk V., Matonoha C.
On the Problem of Variability of Interval Data
ACC Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2012, p. 76-84

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Štumbauer V., Štys D.
Modelling and Simulation of Photosynthetic Microorganism Growth: Random Walk vs. Finite Difference Method
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 82, 2012, p. 2022-2032

Papáček Š., Štumbauer V., Štys D., Petera K., Matonoha C.
Growth Impact of Hydrodynamic Dispersion in a Couette-Taylor Bioreactor
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 54, No. 7-8, 2011, p. 1791-1795

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Primal interior point method for minimization of generalized minimax functions
Kybernetika, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2010, p. 697-721

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Primal interior-point method for large sparse minimax optimization
Kybernetika, Vol. 45, No. 5, 2009, p. 841-864

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
ALGORITHM 896: LSA: Algorithms for large-scale Optimization
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2009, p. 16:1-16:29

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse l1 optimization
Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2007, p. 737-753

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
On Lagrange Multipliers of trust region subproblems
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 48, No. 4, 2008, p. 763-768

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior point methods for large-scale nonlinear programming
Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 20, No. 4-5, 2005, p. 569-582

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior point method for non-linear non-convex optimization
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol. 11, No. 5-6, 2004, p. 431-453


--- Monographies ---

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Numerical Solution of Generalized Minimax Problems
Numerical Nonsmooth Optimization. Cham: Springer (A. Bagirov, M. Gaudioso, N. Karmitsa, M. Mäkelä, S. Taheri), 2020, p. 363-414

Matonoha C.
Lineární programování a geografické informační systémy
in "Metody umělé inteligence v geoinformatice", (V. Voženílek, J. Dvorský, D. Húsek, eds.), Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc, 2011, p. 105-115

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Nonsmooth equation method for nonlinear nonconvex optimization
in Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Finite Element Methods, Springer-Verlag, Berlín, 2004, p. 131-145


--- Proceedings ---

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
UFO 2024 - Interactive system for universal functional optimization
Proceedings of the seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School SNA'25" (J. Starý, S. Sysala, D. Lukáš, eds.), IG CAS Ostrava, 2025, p. 24-27

Duintjer Tebbens J., Lanzendörfer M., Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
Preconditioning for the integration of a spatiotemporal pharmacodynamic system
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 22, No. 1, 2023, e202200268

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Duintjer Tebbens J.
Bohl-Marek decomposition applied to a class of biochemical networks with conservation properties
Proceedings of the seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School SNA'23" (J. Starý, S. Sysala, D. Sysalová, eds.), IG CAS Ostrava, 2023, p. 56-59

Papáček Š., Matonoha C.
Testing the method of multiple scales and the averaging principle for model parameter estimation of quasiperiodic two time-scale models
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21" (J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, J. Papež, M. Rozložník, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, eds.), IM CAS Prague, 2023, p. 163-172

Matonoha C., Moskovka A., Valdman Jan
Minimization of p-Laplacian via the Finite Element Method in MATLAB
LSSC 2021: International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations /13./, Sozopol (BG), 7.6.-11.6.2021. Large-Scale Scientific Computing. Cham: Springer, 2022 (Lirkov, I., Margenov, S., eds), p. 533-540, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13127.

Kalina J., Matonoha C.
Robustness of Supervised Learning Based on Combined Centroids
In: Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Korytkowski M., Pedrycz W., Tadeusiewicz R., Zurada J.M. (eds), Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. ICAISC 2021, June 21–23. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12855, Springer, Cham, 2021, p. 171-182

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Duintjer Tebbens J.
Mathematics and Optimal control theory meet Pharmacy: Towards application of special techniques in modeling, control and optimization of biochemical networks
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'21", Ostrava, 25.-29.1.2021, p. 60-63

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
On the optimal initial conditions for an inverse problem of model parameter estimation - a complementarity principle
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'19", Ostrava, 21.-25.1.2019, p. 100-103

Matonoha C., Papáček Š., Kindermann S.
Disc vs. Annulus: On the Bleaching Pattern Optimization for FRAP Experiments
In: Kozubek T. et al. (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (May 2017, Soláň), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11087, Springer, Cham, 2018, p. 160-173

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Petera K.
Modeling and Simulation of Microalgae Growth in a Couette-Taylor Bioreactor
In: Kozubek T. et al. (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (May 2017, Soláň), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11087, Springer, Cham, 2018, p. 174-187

Matonoha C., Papáček Š., Kindermann S.
On the optimization of initial conditions for a model parameter estimation
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18", Janov nad Nisou 19.-24.6.2016 (J. Chleboun, P. Kůs, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, T. Vejchodský, eds.), IM AS CR, Prague, 2017, p. 73-80

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
On the optimal initial conditions for an inverse problem of model parameter estimation
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'17", Ostrava, 30.1.-3.2.2017, p. 72-75

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
Parameter identification problem based on FRAP images: From data processing to optimal design of photobleaching experiments
In: Kozubek T. et al. (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (May 2015, Soláň), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9611, 2016, p. 186-195

Papáček Š., Macdonald B., Matonoha C.
Closed-form formulae vs. PDE based numerical solution for FRAP data processing: Theoretical and practical comparison
In: L. Jódar, L. Acedo, J.C. Cortés, Instituto Universitario de Matemática Multidisciplinar (Eds.), Modelling for engineering and human behaviour, Valencia 2015, p. 359-364

Papáček Š., Jablonský J., Matonoha C., Kaňa R., Kindermann S.
FRAP & FLIP: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
In: F. Ortuno and I. Rojas (Eds.), IWBBIO 2015, Part II, p. 444-455

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
Synergy between the parameter estimation and a design variable optimization for FRAP experiments
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'15", Ostrava, 19.-23.1.2015, p. 82-85

Papáček Š., Jablonský J., Matonoha C.
On two methods for the parameter estimation problem with spatio-temporal FRAP data
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17", Dolní Maxov 8.-13.6.2014 (J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, T. Vejchodský, eds.), IM AS CR, Prague, 2015, p. 163-168

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
On the connection and equivalence of two methods for solving an ill-posed inverse problem based on FRAP data
In: L. Jódar, L. Acedo, J.C. Cortés, J.R. Torregrosa, Instituto Universitario de Matemática Multidisciplinar (Ed.), Modelling for engineering and human behaviour, Valencia 2014, p. 102-105

Papáček Š., Jablonský J., Petera K., Rehák B., Matonoha C.
Modeling and optimization of microalgae growth in photobioreactors: A multidisciplinary problem
Emergence, Complexity and Computation ECC, Vol. 14, "ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary symposium on complex systems" (Sanayei A., Rössler O.E., Zelinka I. eds.), Springer, 2014, p. 277-286

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
On three equivalent methods for parameter estimation problem based on spatio-temporal FRAP data
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'14", Nymburk, 27.-31.1.2014, p. 78-82

Papáček Š., Matonoha C.
Error analysis of three methods for the parameter estimation problem based on spatio-temporal FRAP measurement
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'13", Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 21.-25.1.2013, p. 93-96

Kaňa R., Matonoha C., Papáček Š., Soukup J.
On estimation of diffusion coefficient based on spatio-temporal FRAP images: An inverse ill-posed problem
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 16", Dolní Maxov 3.-8.6.2012 (J. Chleboun, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, T. Vejchodský, eds.), IM AS CR, Prague, 2013, p. 100-111

Papáček Š., Kaňa R., Matonoha C.
Estimation of diffusivity of phycobilisomes on thylakoid membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'12", Liberec, 23.-27.1.2012, p. 146-148

Papáček Š., Kaňa R., Matonoha C.
Estimation of diffusivity of phycobilisomes on thylakoid membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images
In: L. Jódar, L. Acedo, J.C. Cortés, Instituto Universitario de Matemática Multidisciplinar (Ed.), Modelling for engineering and human behaviour, Valencia 2011, p. 248-251

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
Analysis of phycobilisomes mobility on thylakoid membrane: Part II. A single parameter estimation problem
Proceedings of seminar "Matematika na vysokých školách", Herbertov, 12.-14.9.2011, p. 67-70

Papáček Š., Matonoha C.
Analysis of phycobilisomes mobility on thylakoid membrane: Part I. Reconstruction of diffusion based on spatio-temporal FRAP images
Proceedings of seminar "Matematika na vysokých školách", Herbertov, 12.-14.9.2011, p. 63-66

Papáček Š., Štys D., Kaňa R., Matonoha C.
Parameter estimation of reaction-diffusion model based on spatio-temporal FRAP images of thylakoid membranes
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'11", Ro.nov pod Radhoštěm, 24.-28.1.2011, p. 92-95

Papáček Š., Štumbauer V., Štys D., Petera K., Matonoha C.
Growth impact of hydrodynamic dispersion in Couette-Taylor bioreactor
In: L. Jódar, Instituto de Matemática Multidisciplinar (Ed.), Modelling for addictive behaviour, medicine and engineering, Valencia, 2010, p. 138-142

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Robust preconditioners for the matrix free truncated Newton method
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 15", Dolní Maxov 6.-11.6.2010 (T. Vejchodský, J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, J. Šístek, eds.), IM AS CR, Prague, 2010, p. 137-151

Papáček Š, Matonoha C.
Effect of hydrodynamic mixing on the photosynthetic microorganism growth: Revisited
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'10", Nové Hrady 18.-22.1.2010, p. 114-117

Papáček Š., Štys D., Matonoha C.
An analytical study of the effect of hydrodynamic mixing on the photosynthetic microorganism growth
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'09", Ostrava 2.-6.2.2009, p. 8-10 příloha

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Computational experience with modified conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'09", Ostrava 2.-6.2.2009, p. 5-7 příloha

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Metody vnitřních bodů pro nekonvexní úlohy nelineárního programování
7. matematický workshop, Brno, 16.10.2008, p. 1-7

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Primal interior point method for generalized minimax functions
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 14", Dolní Maxov 1.-6.6.2008 (J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, T. Vejchodský, eds.), IM AS CR, Prague, 2008, p. 138-149

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
On Lagrange Multipliers of trust-region subproblems
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 14", Dolní Maxov 1.-6.6.2008 (J. Chleboun, P. Přikryl, K. Segeth, T. Vejchodský, eds.), IM AS CR, Prague, 2008, p. 130-137

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Konvergence nelineární metody sdru.ených gradientů
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'08", TU Liberec 28.1.-1.2.2008, p. 94-97

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-point Method for Large-Scale l1 Optimization
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 13", Prague 28.-31.5.2006 (Chleboun J., Segeth K., Vejchodský T., eds.), MI AS CR, Prague, 2006, p. 190-195

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
A shifted Steihaug-Toint method for computing a trust-region step
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'06", Monínec 16.-20.1.2006, p. 63-66

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-point method for large sparse minimax optimization
Proceedings of Seminar "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'06", Monínec 16.-20.1.2006, p. 59-62

Matonoha C.
Nonlinear optimization problem
Proceedings of Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 12", Dolní Maxov 6.-11.6.2004 (Chleboun J., Přikryl P., Segeth K., eds.), MI AS CR, Prague, 2004, p. 162-168


--- Abstracts ---

Matonoha C., Lukšan L.
Optimization system UFO - version 2024
Abstract for "Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School SNA'25", Ostrava 27.-31.1.2025, p. 15

Matonoha C., Papáček Š.
Bohl-Marek formulation of the nonlinear system of ODEs for a class of mathematical models with conservation laws
Book of abstracts International conference "Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics 2023", Olomouc 12.-14.6.2023, p. 51-52

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Sanchez A.
On the D-QSSA method with optimal constant delays applied to a class of mathematical models
Book of abstracts International conference "Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics 2023", Olomouc 12.-14.6.2023, p. 58

Duintjer Tebbens J., Lanzendörfer M., Matonoha C., Papáček Š
On an ODE decomposition for biochemical networks due to Erich Bohl and Ivo Marek and its usage for preconditioning in PDE's
Abstract for "Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School SNA'23", Ostrava 23.-27.1.2023, p. 9

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Duintjer Tebbens J.
Computational costs related to Bohl-Marek decomposition applied to a class of biochemical networks
Abstract for "Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'23", Ostrava 23.-27.1.2023, p. 19

Papáček Š., Matonoha C.
An enhanced model parameter estimation by a slow-fast decomposition based on the first order two time-scale expansion
Book of abstracts "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21", Jablonec n/N 19.-24.6.2022, p. 19

Matonoha C., Moskovka A., Valdman J.
Minimization of energy functionals via the finite element method in MATLAB
Book of abstracts 13th International Conference "Large-Scale Scientific Computations LSSC'21", Sozopol, June 7-11, 2021, p. 61-62

Duintjer Tebbens J., Lanzendörfer M., Matonoha C.
Extending a pharmacodynamic model for nuclear receptor-induced enzyme production with spatial resolution
Book of abstracts International conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering "Modelling 2019", Olomouc, 16.-20.9.2019, p. 147

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-point method for nonlinear programming with complementarity constraints
Abstracts "SIAM Conference on Optimization", Darmstadt, 16.-19.5.2011, p.96

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-point method for nonlinear programming with complementarity constraints
Abstracts of contributions "2nd IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation", University of Birmingham, 13.-15.9.2010, p.26

Papácek Š., Aguilar J., Petera K., Matonoha C., Štumbauer V., Štys D.
Couette-Taylor photo-bioreactor: Growth impact of radial dispersion and shear stress
Abstract for "The 16th Couette-Taylor Workshop", Princeton University, 9.-11.9.2009

Štumbauer V., Papáček Š., Štys D., Matonoha C.
Modelling and Simulation of Photosynthetic Microorganism Growth: Finite Difference Method vs. Random Walk
Abstracts of contributions "Modelling 2009", Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 22.-26.6.2009, p.63

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Nonconvex Optimization
Abstracts of contributions "Modelling 2009", Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 22.-26.6.2009, p.62

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Programming with Complementarity Constraints
Abstracts of contributions "Modelling 2009", Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 22.-26.6.2009, p.59-60

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-point method for nonlinear nonconvex optimization
Book of Abstracts "Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra", 8th GAMM Workshop, Hamburg, 11.-12.9.2008, p.20

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
On Lagrange Multipliers of trust region subproblems
Book af Abstracts "Applied Linear Algebra in honor of Ivo Marek", Novi Sad 28.-30.5.2008, p.47

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse optimization
Book of Abstracts "13th Czech-French-German Conference on Optimization", Heidelberg, 17.-21.9.2007, p.109-110

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse optimization
Book of Abstracts "Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation", Birmingham, 13.-15.9.2007

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse optimization
Book of Abstracts "Computational Linear Algebra with Applications", Harrachov, 19.-25.8.2007, p.65

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
A shifted Steihaug-Toint method for computing a trust-region step
Abstracts of International Workshop "Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals and Systems", Monopoli (Bari), 11.-15.9.2006, p.37-41


--- Reports ---

Lukšan L., Tůma M., Matonoha C., Vlček J., Ramešová N., Šiška M., Hartman J.
UFO 2024 - Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization
Technical report No. 1289, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2024, 463 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Hybrid methods for nonlinear least squares problems
Technical report V-1246, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2019, 52 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Problems for Nonlinear Least Squares and Nonlinear Equations
Technical report V-1259, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2018, 36 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Sparse Test Problems for Nonlinear Least Squares
Technical report V-1258, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2018, 20 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Numerical solution of generalized minimax problems
Technical report V-1255, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2018, 49 p.

Papáček Š., Kaňa R., Matonoha C.
Estimation of Diffusivity of Phycobilisomes on Thylakoid Membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images
Technical Report V-1123, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2011, 11 p.

Matonoha C., Papáček Š., Štys D.
Model of Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition in Microalgae: A Singularly Perturbed Problem
Technical Report V-1114, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 13 p.

Papáček Š., Štumbauer V., Štys D., Petera K., Matonoha C.
Growth impact of hydrodynamic dispersion in Couette-Taylor bioreactor
Technical Report V-1113, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 9 p.

Papáček Š., Matonoha C., Štumbauer V., Štys D.
Modelling and simulation of photosynthetic microorganism growth: Random walk vs. Finite difference method
Technical Report V-1112, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 17 p.

Červinka M., Matonoha C., Outrata J.
On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs (revised version)
Technical Report V-1088, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 22 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Modified CUTE Problems for Sparse Unconstrained Optimization
Technical Report V-1081, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 15 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Band preconditioners for the matrix free truncated Newton method
Technical Report V-1079, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 23 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Sparse Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization
Technical Report V-1064, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2010, 25 p.

Červinka M., Matonoha C., Outrata J.
On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs
Technical Report V-1057, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2009, 15 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Programming with Complementarity Constraints
Technical Report V-1039, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2008, 14 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Primal interior point method for minimization of generalized minimax functions
Technical report V-1017, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2007, 25 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Subroutines for large-scale nonlinear programming
Technical report V-1000, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2007, 12 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
New subroutines for large-scale optimization
Technical report V-999, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2007, 57 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior point methods for minimization of composite nonsmooth functions
Technical Report V-987, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2006, 12 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse l1 optimization
Technical Report V-942, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2005, 22 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Primal interior-point method for large sparse minimax optimization
Technical Report V-941, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2005, 34 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
Interior point methods for large-scale nonlinear programming
Technical report V-917, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2004, 17 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
A shifted Steihaug-Toint method for computing a trust-region step
Technical report V-914, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2004, 17 p.

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
LSA: Algorithms for large-scale optimization
Technical report V-896, ICS AS CR, Prague, 2004, 41 p.


--- Others ---

Lukšan L., Matonoha C., Vlček J.
UFO 2022
software, 2022

Duintjer Tebbens J., Matonoha C.
Fiedler Anniversary Honored
Image 37, Fall 2006, p. 7

Matonoha C.
Konference k jubileu
Akademický bulletin 9/2006, p. 11

Matonoha C.
Numerická realizace metod s lokálně omezeným krokem
Ph.D. Thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2004
cz download

Matonoha C.
Iterační metody pro obsáhlé řídké soustavy lineárních rovnic
Master Thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 1998
cz download
