ics Institute of Computer Science
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Department of Computational Mathematics

Ctirad Matonoha

Home  •  Curriculum vitae  •  Publications  •  Presentations  •  Links  •  Photos


Conferences  •  Seminars  •  Schools  •  Various  •  Visits

--- Conferences ---

May 2024, Soláň   cz
Application of a quasi-linear technique to a class of mathematical models satisfying conservation properties
International conference High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2024
www     download

June 2023, Olomouc   cz
Bohl-Marek formulation of the nonlinear system of ODEs for a class of mathematical models with conservation laws
International conference Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics 2023
www     download

May 2022, Soláň   cz
On some open questions in a pharmacodynamic model for nuclear receptors behavior
International conference High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2022
www     download

September 2020, Podbanské   sk
Adding spatial resolution to a pharmacodynamic model for nuclear receptors behavior
International conference on Scientific Computing "Algoritmy 2020"
www     download

September 2019, Olomouc   cz
Extending a pharmacodynamic model for nuclear receptor-induced enzyme production with spatial resolution
International conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering "Modelling 2019"
www     download

May 2019, Soláň   cz
Numerical optimization of the non-axisymmetric bleaching pattern for FRAP experiments
International conference High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2019
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May 2017, Soláň   cz
Disc vs. annulus: On the bleaching pattern optimization for FRAP experiments
International conference High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2017
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May 2017, Soláň   cz
Modeling and simulation of microalgae growth in a Couette-Taylor bioreactor
International conference High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2017
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May 2016, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm   cz
Lotus-like plot, annulus & disk: On model-based design of photobleaching experiments
International conference Computational Mathematics in Science and Engineering 2016 in honour of the 70th anniversary of Zdeněk Dostál
www     download

May 2015, Soláň   cz
Parameter Identification Problem Based on FRAP Images: From Data Processing to Design of Photobleaching Experiments
International conference High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2015
www     download

June 2012, Liberec   cz
On the Problem of Variability of Interval Data
International Conference Presentation of Mathematics '12
www     download

May 2011, Darmstadt   de
Interior-point method for nonlinear programming with complementarity constraints
SIAM Conference on Optimization
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September 2010, Birmingham   gb
Interior-point method for nonlinear programming with complementarity constraints
2nd IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation
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June 2009, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm   cz
Interior-point method for nonlinear nonconvex optimization
The 4th IMACS Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, in honour of Professor Owe Axelsson's 75th birthday, "Modelling 2009"
www     download

June 2009, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm   cz
Modelling and simulation of photosynthetic microorganism growth: Finite difference method vs. Random walk
The 4th IMACS Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, in honour of Professor Owe Axelsson's 75th birthday, "Modelling 2009"
www     download

March 2009, Podbanské   sk
Trust Region Methods for Unconstrained Optimization
Conference on Scientific Computing "ALGORITMY 2009"
www     download

September 2008, Hamburg-Harburg   de
Interior-point method for nonlinear nonconvex optimization
8th GAMM Workshop "Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra"
www     download

April 2008, Novi Sad   rs
On Lagrange Multipliers of trust region subproblems
Conference "Applied Linear Algebra in honor of Ivo Marek"
www     download

September 2007, Heidelberg   de
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse optimization
13th Czech-French-German Conference on Optimization
www     download

September 2007, Birmingham   gb
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse optimization
IMA conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation
www     download

August 2007, Harrachov   cz
Trust-region interior-point method for large sparse optimization
Conference "Computational Linear Algebra with Applications"
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September 2006, Monopoli   it
A shifted Steihaug-Toint method for computing a trust-region step
International workshop "Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals and Systems"
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--- Seminars ---

January 2025
Optimization system UFO - version 2024
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'25

June 2024, Hejnice
A note on the D-QSSA method with optimal constant delays applied to a class of mathematical models
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 22"

June 2024, Hejnice
Metody nehladkých rovnic pro řešení úloh nelineárního programování
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 22"
cz download

January 2023, Ostrava
Computational costs related to Bohl-Marek decomposition applied to a class of biochemical networks
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'23

June 2022, Jablonec n/N
An enhanced model parameter estimation by a slow-fast decomposition... (and AVERAGING)
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21"

September 2019, Hradec Králové
no contribution
4EU+ workshop Mathematics Meet Pharmacy

January 2019, Ostrava
On the optimal initial conditions for a model parameter estimation problem: A complementarity principle
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'19

June 2018, Hejnice
Some numerical issues in PBPK modelling for efficient pharmacotherapy
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 19"

January 2017, Ostrava
On the optimal initial conditions for an inverse problem of model parameter estimation
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'17

June 2016, Janov nad Nisou
On Model-Based Design of Photobleaching Experiments
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 18"
cz download

January 2015, Ostrava
Synergy between the parameter estimation and a design variable optimization for FRAP experiments
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'15

June 2014, Dolní Maxov
Parameter estimation problem based on spatio-temporal data: Comparison of 2+1 FRAP methods
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17"

February 2014, Mariánská
Interior-point method for nonlinear programming with complementarity constraints
Workshop Variational Analysis and Optimization

January 2014, Nymburk
On three equivalent methods for parameter estimation problem based on spatio-temporal FRAP data
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'14

October 2013, Třeboň
CA-FRAP software
1st Třeboň FRAP workshop, Opatovický Mlýn, Třeboň

January 2013, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Error analysis of three methods for the parameter estimation problem based on spatio-temporal FRAP measurement
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'13

June 2012, Dolní Maxov
On estimation of diffusion coefficient based on spatio-temporal FRAP images: An inverse ill-posed problem
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 16"

January 2012, Liberec
Estimation of diffusivity of phycobilisomes on thylakoid membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'12

September 2011, Herbertov
Analysis of phycobilisomes mobility on thylakoid membrane: Part II. A single parameter estimation problem
The 9th seminar "Matematika na vysokých školách"

January 2011, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Parameter estimation of reaction-diffusion model based on spatio-temporal FRAP images of thylakoid membranes
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'11

June 2010, Dolní Maxov
AMPL, A modeling language for mathematical programming
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 15"

January 2010, Nové Hrady
Effect of hydrodynamic mixing on the photosynthetic microorganism growth: Revisited
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'10

February 2009, Ostrava
An analytical study of the effect of hydrodynamic mixing on the photosynthetic microorganism growth
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'09

June 2008, Dolní Maxov
On Lagrange multipliers of trust-region subproblems
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 14"

January 2006, Monínec
A shifted Steihaug-Toint method for computing a trust-region step
Seminar on Numerical Analysis SNA'06

June 2004, Dolní Maxov
Nonlinear optimization problem
Seminar "Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 12"


--- Schools ---

April 2009, Paseky nad jizerou
no contribution
Spring School on Variational Analysis

April 2006, Paseky nad jizerou
no contribution
Spring School on Variational Analysis


--- Various ---

March 2024, Liberec
Aplikace quasi-lineární techniky na třídu matematických modelů splňujících zákony zachování
Odborný seminář KO-MIX, Katedra matematiky, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická, Technická univerzita v Liberci
www     cz download

February 2024, Olomouc
Aplikace quasi-lineární techniky na třídu matematických modelů splňujících zákony zachování
Seminář Katedry matematické analýzy a aplikací matematiky, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého
www     cz download

September 2022, Jizerka
Numerical otimization and applications
Výjezdní seminář ÚI AV ČR

June 2018, Prague
Some numerical issues in PBPK modelling for efficient pharmacotherapy
Seminar of computational methods, AS CR

April 2017, Liberec
Úvod do optimalizace - základní pojmy, metody, vlastnosti
Odborný seminář KO-MIX, Didaktický kabinet KMD a KAP, TU Liberec

November 2012, Plzeň
Estimation of in-vivo biomolecule mass transport and binding rate parameters from spatio-temporal FRAP images: An inverse ill-posed problem
Kolokvium katedry matematiky, FAV ZČU Plzeň

November 2012, Prague
Matrix reloaded: od řasových biotechnologií k maticím
Den otevřených dveří ÚI AV ČR, 8.-9.11.2012
www     cz download

April 2012, Liberec
Metody s lokálně omezeným krokem pro řešení úloh lokální optimalizace
Seminář KO-MIX, Didaktický kabinet KMD, TU Liberec

November 2011, Prague
Analysis of spatio-temporal FRAP images: revealing of photosynthetic protein dynamics in vivo
Seminar of department of Computational methods, AS CR

November 2011, Prague
Lze zbohatnout pomocí matematiky?
Den otevřených dveří ÚI AV ČR, 3.-4.11.2011
cz download

March 2011, Jizerka
Hrátky s lokálními extrémy
Výjezdní seminář ÚI AV ČR

December 2004, Prague
Posunutá Steihaugova-Tointova metoda pro výpočet lokálně omezeného kroku
Seminar of department of Computational methods, AS CR

March 2004, Prague
Numerická realizace metod s lokálně omezeným krokem
Seminar of department of Computational methods, AS CR


--- Visits ---

December 2019, Valencia   es
Institute of Multidisciplinar Mathematics, Polytechnic University of Valencia
Stay abroad 2.-5.12.2019
