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Blocking mechanisms in description logics, a general approach

Dmitry Tishkovsky - 11.6.2008

We will take a close look on various standard mechanism of blocking in tableaux for various description logics and attemt to simulate these mechanisms by a general blocking rule - the unrestricted blocking rule. In particular, we will consider static and dynamic, subset and equality, and successor and anywhere blocking mechanisms.

Reasoning about actions and knowlege: Multi-agent dynamic logics with informational test

Dmitry Tishkovsky - 9.6.2008

The logics are based on a new formalisation and semantics of the test operator of propositional dynamic logic and a representation of actions which distinguishes abstract actions from concrete actions. The new test operator, called informational test, can be used to formalise the beliefs and knowledge of particular agents as dynamic modalities. This approach is consistent with the formalisation of the agents` beliefs and knowledge as K(D)45 and S5 modalities. Properties concerning informativeness, truthfulness and preservation of beliefs were proved for a derivative of the informational test operator. It was shown that common belief and common knowledge can be expressed in the considered logics. This means, the logics are more expressive than propositional dynamic logic with an extra modality for belief or knowledge. The logics remain decidable and belong to 2EXPTIME. Versions of the considered logics express natural additional properties of beliefs or knowledge and interaction of beliefs or knowledge with actions. It was shown that a simulation of PDL can be constructed in one of these extensions.

A General Tableau Method for Deciding Description Logics, Modal Logics and Related First-Order Fragments

Dmitry Tishkovsky - 11.6.2008

A general method for proving termination of tableaux-based procedures for modal-type logics and related first-order fragments will be presented. The method is based on connections between filtration arguments and a general blocking technique. The method provides a general framework for developing tableau-based decision procedures for a large class of logics. In particular, the method can be applied to many well-known description and modal logics. The class includes traditional modal logics such as S4 and modal logics with the universal modality, as well as description logics such as ALC with nominals and general TBoxes. Also contained in the class are harder and less well-studied modal logics with complex modalities and description logics with complex role operators such as Boolean modal logic, and the description logic ALBO. In addition, the techniques allow us to specify tableau-based decision procedures for related solvable fragments of first-order logic, including the two-variable fragment of first-order logic. This solves a long-standing open problem.

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Výsledky - Publikace

Rok 2008 Rok 2007 Rok 2006 Rok 2005 Rok 2004 Roky 2004-2008
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59 / 12
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77 / 14

Bartoň Stanislav, Zezula Pavel
Indexing Structure for Graph-Structured Data
In: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume: 165, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Berlin, 2008, pp. 167-188.
Bartoň Stanislav, Dohnal Vlastislav, Sedmidubský Jan, Zezula Pavel
Building Self-Organized Image Retrieval Network
In: Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval (LSDS-IR '08), ACM, USA, 2008. (in_print)
See abstract
Batko Michal, Skopal Tomáš, Lokoč Jakub
New Dynamic Construction Techniques for M-tree
In: Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008. (in_print)
Batko Michal, Novák David, Falchi Fabrizio, Zezula Pavel
Scalability Comparison of Peer-to-Peer Similarity Search Structures
In: Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume: 24, No: 8, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008, pp. 834-848.
Batko Michal, Kohoutková Petra, Zezula Pavel
Combining Metric Features in Large Collections
In: 1st International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2008), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA, Washington, Tokyo, 2008, pp. 79-86.
Batko Michal, Falchi Fabrizio, Lucchese Claudio, Novák David, Perego Raffaele, Rabitti Fausto, Sedmidubský Jan, Zezula Pavel
Crawling, Indexing, and Similarity Searching Images on the Web
In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database, 2008, pp. 382-389.
Bosch Sonja, Fellbaum Christiane, Pala Karel
Derivational Relations in English, Czech and Bantu Wordnet
In: Proc. of Fourth Global WordNet Conference, University of Szeged, Department of Informatics, 2008, pp. 74-90.
Presented at: GWC 2008, 22.-25.1.2008, Szeged, Hungary.
See abstract
Dohnal Vlastislav, Gennaro Claudio, Zezula Pavel
Efficiency and Scalability Issues in Metric Access Methods
In: Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-75766-5
Paper in pdf format
See abstract
Dohnal Vlastislav, Sedmidubský Jan, Zezula Pavel, Novák David
Similarity Searching: Towards Bulk-loading Peer-to-Peer Networks
In: 1st International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2008), IEEE, 2008, pp. 87-94.
Presented at: SISAP 2008 - Workshop at ICDE 2008, 11.-12.04.2008, Cancun, Mexico.
Falchi Fabrizio, Gennaro Claudio, Zezula Pavel
Nearest neighbor search in metric spaces through Content-Addressable Networks
In: Information Processing and Management, Volume: 44, No: 1, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 411-429.
Horák Aleš, Pala Karel, Rambousek Adam
The Global WordNet Grid Software Design
In: Proc. of Fourth Global WordNet Conference, University of Szeged, Department of Informatics, 2008, pp. 194-199.
Presented at: GWC 2008, 22.-25.1.2008, Szeged, Hungary.
Horák Aleš
Computer Processing of Czech Syntax and Semantics
Horák Aleš, Pala Karel, Rambousek Adam
Tools for Managing Multiligual Lexical Resources
In: Proc. of International Conference Inteligent Information Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2008, pp. 451-460.
Presented at: International Conference Inteligent Information Systems, , Zakopane, Poland.
Ivanova K., Heid U., Schulte im Walde S., Kilgarriff A., Pomikálek Jan
Evaluating a German Sketch Grammar: A Case Study on Noun Phrase Case
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2008.
Presented at: International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, , Marrakech, Morocco.
Nováček Vít
Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Integration Technique: Application to Large Scale Taxonomy Extraction and Document Annotation
In: Proceedings of ICEIS 2007, Kluwer Academic Publishing, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, London, 2008, pp. 160-172. Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2007, revised selected papers), Springer, 2008, pp. 160-172.
Presented at: ICEIS 2007, 12.-16.6.2007, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal.
Novák David, Batko Michal, Zezula Pavel
Content-based Image Retrieval on the Web
In: Proceedings of the Poster and Demonstration Paper Track of the 1st Future Internet Symposium (FIS 2008), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vienna, 2008, pp. 1-3.
Novák David, Batko Michal, Zezula Pavel
Web-scale System for Image Similarity Search: When the Dreams Are Coming True
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2008), IEEE, London, 2008, pp. 446-453.
Pomikálek Jan, Rychlý Pavel
Detecting Co-Derivative Documents in Large Text Collections
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2008, pp. 132-135.
Presented at: International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, , Marrakech, Morocco.
Paper in pdf format
See abstract
Sedmidubský Jan, Bartoň Stanislav, Dohnal Vlastislav, Zezula Pavel
Adaptive Approximate Similarity Searching through Metric Social Networks
In: 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2008), 2008, pp. 3.
Presented at: 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, 7.-12.4.2008, Cancún, Mexico.
See abstract
Sedmidubský Jan, Bartoň Stanislav, Dohnal Vlastislav
mSN: Metric Social Network for Similarity Searching
SW prototype
Sedmidubský Jan, Dohnal Vlastislav, Bartoň Stanislav, Zezula Pavel
A Self-organized System for Content-based Search in Multimedia.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2008), Patrick Kellenberger, Los Alamitos, California, 2008. (in_print)
Zezula Pavel, Dohnal Vlastislav, Batko Michal
File Organizations
In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Wiley-Interscience, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2008, pp. 1-11.
Zezula Pavel, Batko Michal, Dohnal Vlastislav
Indexing Metric Spaces
In: Database Management and Information Retrieval, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008, pp. 1-4.
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