Postdoctoral fellow/junior scientist in proof theory and algebraic logic – Ref. No. 2024/15
We seek a postdoctoral fellow or junior scientist to join the Czech Science Foundation project “Interpolation, Amalgamation, and Computation” (INTERACT), led by Dr. Wesley Fussner at the Institute of
Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The project aims to develop an encompassing theory of interpolation across varied logical environments by unifying proof-theoretic and algebraic approaches. The successful candidate will conduct research along this theme, both individually and in collaboration with the PI
and other team members.
More information on the project may be found on its webpage (
[ Other job opprtunities ]
- Initial contract is for 12 months. After initial evaluation, extension is available for an additional 24 months (3 years total).
- First cut-off point for applications is 15 January 2025. Application by that date guarantees full consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.
- Intended start date is in Spring 2025 (negotiable).
- Travel funding for conferences and research stays is available.
- No teaching duties.
Applicants should:
- Hold or expect a PhD.
- Have a strong background in logic, preferably with experience in proof theory and/or algebraic logic.
- Be fluent in English.
The application process:
Applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Mention of Ref. No. 2024/15.
- A letter of application explaining your interest in the position and your suitability for the project (about 2-3 pages).
- A full curriculum vitae, including a complete list of publications/preprints.
- Contact information for two professional referees.
- A proof of the obtained degree, or relevant documentation to indicate the expected thesis defence or award date.
Informal inquiries are welcome and encouraged, and may be directed to Wesley Fussner,