Seminar Talk Announcement

  • Zdeněk Fabián (Institute of Computer Science, Prague):

    New Functions Characterizing Continuous Distributions

    21.01.2025 13:30Room 318 (zoom) @ Institute of Computer Science
    Pod Vodárenskou věží 2
    Praha, 182 00
    Hora Informaticae

    A continuous probability measure on the open interval of the real line induces on it its own metric, expressed by a function we call the score function of distribution. Using it, new alternative characteristics and functions of continuous variables can be introduced. Equipped by parameters, the score function of distribution appears to be the proper scalar-valued inference function even for models with vector parameter. This provides new tools for solving statistical problems, particularly in situations where it is necessary to consider models far from normal. We summarize basic concepts, recent highlights and some new results of this new perspective and a brief discussion of possible applications.

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