Research positions: Postdoctoral fellow / Researcher in statistics and psychometrics - Ref. No. 2025/14
Research positions (postdoctoral fellow, researcher) are available to join the
Computational psychometrics (COMPS) group and the Department of Statistical Modelling, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) for the project “Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing” (DigiWELL, reg. no.CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583,
project duration 2024 - 2028).
The DigiWELL project responds to research challenges in key areas of the rapidly evolving domain of digital technologies aimed at promoting physical, mental and social wellbeing. Within the project, we are responsible for the work package focused on developing, optimizing and applying techniques for statistical modelling of the complex
data beyond the currently available methods.
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Quick Info
- For period: 12 months duration (with the possibility of extension)
- Contact Person: Patrícia Martinková
- Deadline: March 21, 2025
What will your job be?
The position involves a wide range of activities:
- Complex data analysis (with an emphasis on more advanced methods, e.g., multi-item and longitudinal data analysis, structural models, intensive data analysis).
- Development and evaluation of novel statistical modelling approaches for the complex data, beyond the currently available methods.
- Leadership role in the publication process in collaboration with other team members.
- Participation in international meetings and conferences.
Expected candidate’s profile:
- PhD in a related discipline, up to 7 years from PhD defense at the start of employment.
- Strong mathematical/computer science/statistical/machine learning skills.
- Research experience on a related topic (e.g., research projects, publications).
- High English proficiency (at a level that allows you to publish scientific texts in English).
- We seek curious, self-motivated, hard-working, team-spirited researchers.
What we offer:
- One-year employment with the possibility of extension upon mutual satisfaction.
- Flexible working conditions, including the option to work part-time.
- Starting date: September 1, 2025 or upon agreement.
- Initial salary matching the local price level (gross salary approx. 2000 EUR) + bonuses depending
on publication outputs and other relevant activities, see Cost Of Living Comparison.
- Travel funding for conferences and research stays.
- Five weeks of paid vacation at full-time employment.
- Active support in professional and personal development (regular sharing of knowledge and experience within the team, summer schools or workshops, support for grant applications, etc.). Broad support by the Czech Academy of Sciences (language courses, in-house childcare, etc.)
- Highly attractive and safe location (Prague). Office within 15 minutes from Prague downtown, excellent public transportation system.
- No teaching duties.
- The Computational psychometrics group and the Department of statistical modelling at ICS CAS are active and well connected both locally and internationally
in statistical modelling, psychometrics and biostatistics. In July 2024, we hosted the
International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS 2024) in Prague.
How to apply:
The applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Curriculum Vitae, list of publications.
- Names of two references who may be contacted to provide the reference letters.
- A proof of the obtained degree.
- Mention the Ref. No. 2025/14.
Do not hesitate to contact the main ICS contact for informal inquiries concerning the position: Patrícia Martinková,