CAS–ICS postdoctoral position - Ref. No. 2025/4

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites outstanding and enthusiastic junior researchers, PhD holders, to apply for a postdoc position funded jointly by CAS and ICS. This is a regular call with a deadline twice a year: April 1st and September 1st.

[ Other job opprtunities ]

  • Each position is of 12–24 months duration.
  • Upcoming application deadline: 1st April 2025.
  • Starting date: the following January 1st or later as negotiated.
  • This is a full-time fixed term contract appointment. Part time contract possible if taking care of a child.
  • Monthly gross salary: 42 000 - 52 000 CZK. Cost Of Living Comparison
  • Additional bonus offered by the Institute of Computer Sciences: travel package for the total duration: up to 50 000 CZK for conferences and research stays.
  • No teaching duties
  • Applicants must:
    1. Provide official confirmation of obtaining a PhD at latest on April 28th 2025 (September 28 for the Autumn applications).
    2. Hold a PhD for at most two years, i.e., have defended after April 28th 2023 (September 28 for the Autumn applications); an extension up to four years may be granted if time spent on parental leave or in case of a long-term study placement abroad (in a country different from the applicant's home country).
    3. Be fluent in English.
  • The applications are to be sent to and should contain:
    1. Mention the Ref. No. 2025/4.
    2. Cover letter.
    3. Curriculum Vitae - please compose your CV as a structured one. Use the following outline:
      • personal data
      • current workplace and work position
      • education
      • overview of previous jobs including respective work positions
      • pedagogical experience
      • research activities, including grant activities
      • stays abroad and acquired professional experience
      • publishing activities, including a list of published works
      • additional information
    4. Brief description of applicant’s research interests and of intended research plan during the fellowship highlighting possible cooperation inside the institute, especially:
      • The Title of the research topic.
      • The Outline of the working plan (max. 4 500 characters).
      • Institute projects on which Applicant is going to work.
    5. Up to two letters of recommendation – at most one from the Institute of Computer Science and at most one from the applicant’s current affiliation. The referees should send their recommendations directly to
    6. Proof(s) of obtained degree(s).