Postdoc/Junior researcher positions in Prediction of parameters for energy distribution system project - Ref. No. 2024/10
A junior scientist (postdoc) position is available to join the Department of Complex system, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) for the project “Neural networks realtime forecasting
of variable baseline for the power equipment at HV, LV voltage levels” (TAČR reg. No. TK05020142).
This project aims to predict the parameters of the energy distribution system based on knowledge of the evolution of the system in time and other usually time-dependent external variables such as the weather or the situation in the financial energy markets. The main objective is to apply artificial intelligence methods
in this area, particularly in the field of deep learning.
[ Other job opprtunities ]
- The initial contract is till September 30th 2025 (with possible extension based on project progress).
- The position is immediately - with start as negotiated.
- Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.
- This is a full-time fixed-term contract appointment. Part-time contract negotiable.
- Monthly gross salary: 50 000 to 60 000 CZK.
- Bonuses depend on performance and some travel funding for conferences.
- No teaching duties.
- We seek curious, self-motivated, hard-working, team-spirited researchers.
- Prior experience with time series and and machine learning is advantageous, but not required.
Applicants should:
- Hold a PhD. (PhD student/research assistant positions available as well, see informal inquiries contact below).
- Have strong mathematical, statistical and data analysis skills with emphasis on use of machine learning methods.
- Be fluent in English.
The application process:
Applications are to be sent to and should contain:
- Mention of Ref. No. 2024/10.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Optionally up to two letters of recommendation. The referees should send their recommendations directly to
- A proof of the obtained degree, or relevant documentation to indicate the expected thesis defence or award date.
For informal inquiries, please contact: Jaroslav Hlinka,