The conference Computational Linear Algebra with Applications, MILOVY 2002
was held from August 4 to August 10, 2002 at the Devet Skal Hotel
(literally "Nine Rocks") in Milovy.
The conference was attended by 97 participans from 21 countries.
The conference was
organized by the Institute of Computer Science AS CR, Prague in collaboration
with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University; Institute of
Mathematics AS CR and Technical University Liberec.
Support and sponsors
The conference was supported by
GAMM (Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik),
sponsored by NSF (National Science Foundation)
and it has been endorsed by
ILAS (The International Linear Algebra Society).
Scientific Programme
The meeting was concentrated on computational methods, namely on methods
of numerical linear algebra, their (parallel) implementations and applications.
The program was devided into subthemes
like, e.g., matrix theory and its applications, sparse direct solvers,
iterative methods for linear systems, preconditioning techniques, large-scale
eigen-problems, inverse problems and regularization. Special attention
was paid to application areas not restricted to PDE's, control, optimization
or image processing.
Selected papers from the Milovy 2002 conference have been published in a special
issue of BIT Numerical Mathematics, Volume 43,
Number 5, 2003.