Výzkumné zprávy
Vydané 2010 - 2014
- V-1223:
Rohn, Jiří. A Hybrid Method for Solving Absolute Value Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1218:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Tůma, Miroslav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan, Ramešová, Nina, Šiška, M., Hartman, J.. UFO 2014. Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1216:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Description of Continuous Distributions and Data Samples by Means of Score Functions of Distribution.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1212:
Rohn, Jiří. A New Proof of the Hansen-Bliek-Rohn Optimality Result.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1211:
Jiřina, Marcel. Influence of Metric on Classification Error of Distance-Based Classifiers.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1210:
Coufal, David. Kernel density estimates in particle filter.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1209:
Wiedermann, Jiří. Fast nondeterministic matrix multiplication via derandomization of Freivalds' algorithm (Revised corrected version).
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1208:
Žák, Stanislav. Inherent Logic and Complexity.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1206:
Rohn, Jiří. Explicit Form of Matrices Qz for an Interval Matrix with Unit Midpoint.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1204:
Rohn, Jiří. A Reduction Theorem for Absolute Value Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1203:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. A modified limited-memory BNS method for unconstrained minimization based on the conjugate directions idea.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1202:
Rohn, Jiří. A Class of Explicitly Solvable Absolute Value Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1201:
Fabián, Zdeněk. The use of Score Functions of Distribution for Description of Parametric Families.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1200:
Hakl, František. Nástroj pro vzdálené použití NNSU algoritmu pro separaci dat (uživatelský manuál).
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1199:
Jiřina, Marcel. IINC classifier for MS Excel. The principle, method and Program.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1191:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Tůma, Miroslav, Vlček, Jan, Ramešová, Nina, Šiška, M., Matonoha, Ctirad, Hartman, J.. UFO 2013 Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization..
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1190:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina. Soupis publikovaných prací paní RNDr. Věry Kůrkové, DrSc. zpracovaný v listopadu 2013 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. k příležitosti životního jubilea autorky.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1189:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Score Function of Distribution and Revival of the Moment Method. Final Version.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1188:
Kalina, Jan. Robust Template Matching.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1187:
Kůrková, Věra. Representations of Highly-Varying Functions by One-Hidden-Layer Networks.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1186:
Běhounek, Libor. Fuzzified linear orderings, fuzzy maxima and minima.
ICS AS CR, 2014
- V-1185:
Rohn, Jiří. A Triple Sufficient Condition for Regularity of Interval Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1184:
Rohn, Jiří. A Bendixson-Type Theorem for Eigenvalues of Interval Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1183:
Nedoma, Jiří. Propagation of elastic waves in fractured media under a self-gravity field.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1182:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Correlation and heavy-tails.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1181:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina. Soupis publikovaných prací pana prof. Ing. Ladislava Lukšana, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 14. září 2013 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. k příležitosti 70. narozenin autora.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1180:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina. Soupis publikovaných prací pana prof. RNDr. Jiřího Wiedermanna, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 24. dubna 2013 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. k příležitosti 65. narozenin autora.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1179:
Daniel, Milan. Steps Towards a Conflicting Part of a Belief Function.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1177:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Vlček, Jan. Efficient tridiagonal preconditioner for the matrix-free truncated Newton method.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- V-1176:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Score Function of Distribution and Revival of the Moment Method.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1175:
Savický, Petr. Partitions of the Boolean cube with a vertex-transitive automorphism group.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1174:
Kůrková, Věra, Kainen, P.C.. Fixed and Variable-Width Gaussian Networks.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1173:
Petrů, L., Wiedermann, Jiří. Flying Amorphous Computer: A Robust Model.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1172:
Neruda, Roman, Coufal, David. Neural and Fuzzy Modelling of Hydrological Data.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1171:
Žák, Stanislav. A Lower Bound Method for Branching Programs and Its Application.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1170:
Kessl, Robert. Methods for parallel mining of frequent itemsets.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1167:
Nedoma, Jiří. The Primal-Dual Active Set (PDAS) Method for Dynamic Variational Inequalities Arising from the Fractured Bone Neoplasm Models.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1166:
Nedoma, Jiří. Mathematical models of odontogenic cysts and of fractures of jaw-bones. An introductory study.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1165:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina. Soupis publikovaných prací pana prof. RNDr. Jiřího Rohna, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 19. června 2012 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. k příležitosti 65. narozenin autora a doplněný citačním ohlasem a scientometrickými a statistickými daty.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1164:
Rohn, Jiří. A Manual of Results on Interval Linear Problems. Dedicated to my grandchildren Matthias, William and Beata, and also to those who might yet come. 10.08.2004 / 11.02.2005 / 05.07.2012.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1163:
Rohn, Jiří. A Handbook of Results on Interval Linear Problems. Dedicated in memoriam to my parents. 07.04.2005 / 23.09.2012.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1162:
Kramosil, Ivan. Some Results on Set-Valued Possibilistic Distributions.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1159:
Rohn, Jiří. (Z; z)-Solutions.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1158:
Rohn, Jiří. Theoretical Characterization of Enclosures.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1157:
Rohn, Jiří. Compact Form of the Hansen-Bliek-Rohn Enclosure.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1156:
Rohn, Jiří. Verification of linear (in)dependence in finite precision arithmetic.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1155:
Rohn, Jiří. A New Characterization of the Maximum Cut in a Graph. Dedicated to the memory of the Tibetan meditation master Geshe1 Langri Tangpa (1054-1123), author of the "Eight verses for training the mind".
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1154:
Rohn, Jiří. Calculus Digest.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1153:
Robnik-Šikonja, M., Savický, Petr. Trends in random forests parameters for classification of imbalanced data.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1152:
Lukšan, Ladislav. Numerické optimalizační metody. Nepodmíněná minimalizace.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1151:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Tůma, Miroslav, Vlček, Jan, Ramešová, Nina, Šiška, M., Hartman, J., Matonoha, Ctirad. UFO 2011 Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1150:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Solving the P-Matrix Problem.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1149:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Solving the System -e <= Ax <= e; ||x||_1 => 1.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1148:
Hájek, Petr. What is graded fuzzy logic?.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1147:
Hooshyarbakhsh, V., Farhadsefat, R., Rohn, Jiří. A not-a-priori-exponential necessary and sufficient condition for regularity of interval matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1146:
Běhounek, Libor, Bodenhofer, U., Cintula, Petr, Saminger-Platz, S., Sarkoci, P.. Graded dominance and related graded properties of fuzzy connectives.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1145:
Hooshyarbakhsh, V., Lotfi, T., Farhadsefat, R., Rohn, Jiří. An Iterative Method for Solving Absolute Value Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1144:
Rohn, Jiří. Verified Singular Value Decomposition.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1143:
Rohn, Jiří. Verified Eigendecomposition.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1142:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období říjen - prosinec 2011.
ICS AS CR, 2012
- V-1141:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období červenec - září 2011.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1140:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období duben - červen 2011.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1139:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období leden - březen 2011.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1138:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Metodika vyhodnocení přesnosti modelu TDD.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1137:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Popis modelu TDD, verze 3.2.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1136:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Popis modelu TDD, verze 3.1.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1135:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Kasanický, Ivan, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období říjen - prosinec 2010.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1134:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období červenec - září 2010.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1133:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období duben - červen 2010.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1132:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Tomáš, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Projekt GAMMA - Přehled činností za období leden - březen 2010.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1131:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Zdůvodnění změny počtu tříd TDD v roce 2011.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1130:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Metodika použití TDD provozovatelem distribuční soustavy pro rok 2011.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1129:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Transformace metodiky použití TDD dle požadavků OTE.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1128:
Konár, Ondřej, Brabec, Tomáš, Brabec, Marek, Malý, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Vondráček, Jiří. Metodika rozpočtu známé spotřeby modelem TDD.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1127:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. Modifications of the limited-memory BNS method for better satisfaction of previous quasi-Newton conditions.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1126:
Jiřina, Marcel, Hakl, František. Volatility of selected separators/classifiers wrt. data sets from field of particle physics.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1125:
Šíma, Jiří. Gradient Learning in Networks of Smoothly Spiking Neurons with an Additional Penalty Term.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1124:
Pelikán, Emil, Juruš, Pavel, Musílek, P., Brabec, Marek, Krč, Pavel, Paluš, Milan, Vejmelka, Martin. Regional scale modelling of CO2 concentrations and impact of anthropogenic emissions.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1123:
Papáček, Š., Kaňa, Radek, Matonoha, Ctirad. Estimation of Diffusivity of Phycobilisomes on Thylakoid Membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1122:
Farhadsefat, R., Rohn, Jiří, Lotfi, T.. Norms of Interval Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1121:
Rohn, Jiří. Verified Solutions of Linear Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1120:
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. A conjugate directions approach to improve the limited-memory BFGS method.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1119:
Rohn, Jiří. VERSOFT: Examples.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1118:
Rohn, Jiří. VERSOFT: Guide.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1117:
Rohn, Jiří. INTLAB Primer.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1116:
Farhadsefat, R., Lotfi, T., Rohn, Jiří. A New Sufficient Condition for Regularity of Interval Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1115:
Húsek, Dušan, Frolov, A. A., Polyakov, P.Y.. Hybrid Method of Boolean Factor Analysis.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1114:
Matonoha, Ctirad, Papáček, Š., Štys, D.. Model of Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition in Microalgae: A Singularly Perturbed Problem.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1113:
Papáček, Š., Štumbauer, V., Štys, D., Petera, K., Matonoha, Ctirad. Growth impact of hydrodynamic dispersion in Couette-Taylor bioreactor.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1112:
Papáček, Š., Matonoha, Ctirad, Štumbauer, V., Štys, D.. Modelling and simulation of photosynthetic microorganism growth: Random walk vs. Finite difference method.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1111:
Rohn, Jiří. Disproving the P-Matrix Property.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1110:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina. Soupis publikovaných prací pana prof. RNDr. Miroslava Fiedlera, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 7. dubna 2011 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. k příležitosti 85. narozenin autora a doplněný citačním ohlasem a scientometrickými a statistickými daty.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1109:
Húsek, Dušan, Frolov, A. A., Polyakov, P.Y.. Two new EM-Methods for Boolean Factor Analysis.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1107:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Solving the Absolute Value Inequality.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1106:
Rohn, Jiří. Every Two Square Matrices of the Same Size Have Some Solution in Common.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1105:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Solving Basic Interval Linear Problems.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1104:
Rohn, Jiří. The Hansen-Bliek Optimality Result as a Consequence of the General Theory.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1103:
Rohn, Jiří. A Perturbation Theorem for Linear Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2011
- V-1100:
Kessl, Robert. Static load balancing of parallel mining of frequent itemsets using reservoir sampling.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1099:
Klaschka, Jan. BlakerCI: An algorithm and R package for the Blaker's binomial confidence limits calculation.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1098:
Tyl, Pavel, Řimnáč, Martin, Špánek, Roman, Štuller, Július, Linková, Zdeňka, Kozler, J., Antošová, B., Váňa, V.. Tvorba ontologie huminových látek.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1097:
Petrů, L., Wiedermann, Jiří. A Universal Flying Amorphous Computer.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1094:
Kůrková, Věra. Learning as an Inverse Problem in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1093:
Rohn, Jiří. On Rump's Characterization of P-Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1092:
Rohn, Jiří. A Theorem of the Alternatives for the Equation |Ax| - |B||x| = b.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1091:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Computing All Solutions of an Absolute Value Equation.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1090:
Rohn, Jiří. A Note on Generating P-Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1089:
Jiřina, Marcel, Hakl, František. Testing selected separators/classifiers on simulated data sets from field of particle physics.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1088:
Červinka, Michal, Matonoha, Ctirad, Outrata, Jiří. On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs (revised version).
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1087:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Finding a Singular Matrix in an Interval Matrix.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1086:
Kramosil, Ivan, Daniel, Milan. Statistical Estimations of Lattice-Valued Possibilistic Distributions.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1085:
Kramosil, Ivan. Embedding Upper-Semilattice-Valued Mappings to Complete Lattice-Valued Possibilistic Measures.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1084:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Uncertainty of Random Variables.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1083:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Tůma, Miroslav, Vlček, Jan, Ramešová, Nina, Šiška, M., Hartman, J., Matonoha, Ctirad. UFO 2010 Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1082:
Húsek, Dušan, Frolov, A., Polyakov, P.Y.. Analysis and Evaluation of Different Methods for Barr Problem Solving.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1081:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Modified CUTE Problems for Sparse Unconstrained Optimization.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1080:
Královcová, J., Lukšan, Ladislav, Mlýnek, J.. Exposure optimization for warming of shapes in the automotive industry.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1079:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Band preconditioners for the matrix-free truncated Newton method.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1078:
Fabián, Zdeněk, Jiřina, Marcel, Jiřina jr., M.. Linear Regression with Arbitrarily Distributed Residuals.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1077:
Fabián, Zdeněk. Scalar Score Function and Score Correlation.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1076:
Fabián, Zdeněk. A New Statistical Tool: Scalar Score Function.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1075:
Jiřina, Marcel, Jiřina jr., M.. Testing Random Forests for Unix and Windows.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1074:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Computing the Hull of the Solution Set of Interval Linear Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1073:
Rohn, Jiří. Inverse Interval Matrix: A Survey.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1072:
Rohn, Jiří. A Characterization of Strong Regularity of Interval Matrices.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1071:
Rohn, Jiří. Explicit Inverse of an Interval Matrix with Unit Midpoint.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1070:
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina. Soupis publikovaných prací prof. RNDr. Petra Hájka, DrSc. řazený podle roku vydání, typu dokumentu a názvu, zpracovaný ke dni 6. 2. 2010 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV CR, v. v. i. k příležitosti 70. narozenin autora. Opravené a aktualizované vydání – únor 2013.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1068:
Hakl, František, Mrazík, M.. Studie realizovatelnosti neuronové síte daných vlastností pomocí analogových elektrických obvodů.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1067:
Rohn, Jiří. A General Method for Enclosing Solutions of Interval Linear Equations.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1066:
Kramosil, Ivan. Entropy Function for Chained Lattice-Valued Possibilistic Distributions and Their Non-Interactive Products.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1065:
Rohn, Jiří. An Improvement of the Bauer-Skeel Bounds.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1064:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Matonoha, Ctirad, Vlček, Jan. Sparse Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1063:
Rohn, Jiří. An Algorithm for Solving the Absolute Value Equation: An Improvement.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1059:
Lukšan, Ladislav, Vlček, Jan. Recursive formulation of limited memory variable metric methods.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- V-1056:
Šeflová, Petra. Aplikace Filtry.
ICS AS CR, 2010
- LSS 430/14:
Novák, M., Votruba, Z., Brandejský, T., Faber, J., Coufal, David, Pelikán, Emil. Prediction diagnostics for Uncertain Systems.
- LSS 405/11:
Novák, M., Bouchner, P., Pelikán, Emil, Novotný, S., Derbek, P., Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel. Feasibility study of weather components prediction along expected vehicle trajectory.
- LSS 404/11:
Novák, M., Bouchner, P., Pelikán, Emil, Novotný, S., Derbek, P., Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel. Možnosti predikce významných složek počasí podél předpokládané trasy vozidla.
- RRR 2-2010:
Čepek, O., Kučera, P., Savický, Petr. Boolean Functions with a Simple Certificate for CNF Complexity..
Rutgers Center for Operations Research, 2010
- 2011/02:
Butkovič, P., Fiedler, Miroslav. Tropical tensor product and beyond.
School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 2011
- TR13-191:
Savický, Petr. Boolean functions with a vertex-transitive group of automorphisms.
, 2013
- UU-CS-2014-014:
van Leeuwen, J., Wiedermann, Jiří. Separating the Classes of Recursively Enumerable Languages Based on Machine Size.
Utrecht University, 2014
- RAL-TR-2013-P-005:
Scott, J., Tůma, Miroslav. On positive semidefinite modification schemes for incomplete Cholesky factorization.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2013
- RAL-P-2014-003:
Scott, J., Tůma, Miroslav. On signed incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioners for saddle-point systems.
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2014
- UU-CS-2014-003:
van Leeuwen, J., Wiedermann, Jiří. Turing machines with One-sided Advice and the Acceptance of the co-RE Languages.
Utrecht University, 2014
- NCMM/2013-27:
Kalina, Jan, Duintjer Tebbens, Jurjen. Metody pro redukci dimenze v mnohorozměrné statistice a jejich výpočet.
Nečas center for Mathematical Modeling, 2013
- v-1178:
Nedoma, Jiří. Models of Bone Cancers - Part I. Mathematical Models of Cancers. An Introduction.
ICS AS CR, 2013
- 2012/2:
Šimko, V., Hnětynka, P., Bureš, Tomáš, Plášil, František. Formal Verification of Annotated Use-Cases.
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Charles University, 2012
- 2012/1:
Keznikl, Jaroslav, Bureš, T., Plášil, F., Hnětynka, P.. Automated Resolution of Connector Architectures Using Constraint Solving (ARCAS method).
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems, Charles University, 2012
- 2011/7:
Outlý, M., Pop, T., Bureš, Tomáš. Mode Change in Real-time Component Systems - Suitable Form of Run-Time Variability in Resource Constrained Environments.
Department of Software Engineering, Charles University, 2011
- 2011/2:
Keznikl, Jaroslav, Malohlava, M., Marek, L., Tůma, P.. Ferdinand Project Middleware List.
Department of Software Engineering, Charles University, 2011
- :
Hofman, Radek, Pecha, Petr, Hošek, Jiří. Comparison of numerical weather prediction models for purposes of atmospheric dispersion modeling within the grant project MV ČR VG20102013018.
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