Strategic Interactive Decision-Making
Thomas Kleine Buening
Symbolic Constraints and Quantitative Extensions of Equality
Temur Kutsia
(Johannes Kepler University Linz)
MacNeille completion, canonical completion, and duality for monadic ortholattices
Joseph McDonald
(University of Alberta)
Ultrahomogeneous digraphs: universal automorphism groups and canonical amalgamation
Poisson-Voronoi percolation in higher rank
Jan Grebík
(Masaryk University)
New Functions Characterizing Continuous Distributions
Zdeněk Fabián
(Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
Monadic NP Sets
Martin Q. Putzer
(Charles University, Faculty of Arts)
Robots as Moral Agents: Human Intuition, Programmed Ethics, and Real-World Implications
Robin Kopecký
(Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
Weighted Automata and Quantitative Logics
Manfred Droste
(Institute of Computer Science of the University of Leipzig)
Isabelle/HOL and Its Logic: User's Point of View
Štěpán Holub
(Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
Non-standard situations in regression modeling: From method selection to neural networks
Jan Kalina
(Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
About semilinear prevarieties of Abelian l-groups
Filip Jankovec
(Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
Abduction in the extensions of the Belnap--Dunn logic
Daniil Kozhemiachenko
(Aix-Marseille Université)
Approximation and classification by ReLU networks of increasing depth
Věra Kůrková
(Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
Mathematics as a natural and dynamic process. Philosophical arguments.
Giovanni Sambin
(University of Padova)
Mathematics as a natural and dynamic process. Mathematical facts.
Giovanni Sambin
(University of Padova)
Epistemic Probability Logics
Igor Sedlár
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science)
Large Languages Models and Automata Theory
Jiří Wiedermann
(Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
Language models and Artificial Inteligence
David Herel
(Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU Prague))
One is all you need: Second-order Unification without First-order Variables
David Cerna
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science)
Evolutionary Algorithms for Expansive Optimization
Martin Pilát
(Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague)
Equivariance and Invariance in Neural Networks
Filip Šroubek and Tomáš Karella
(Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Prague)
A Personal Perspective on the Game Comonad Programme
Tomáš Jakl
(Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech Technical University)
Czech Speech Synthesis in the AI Era
Jindřich Matoušek
(Department of Cybernetics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, UWB Pilsen)
Pointed lattice subreducts of varieties of residuated lattices
Adam Přenosil
(University of Barcelona)
Performance Prediction for Neural Architecture Search
G. Kadlecová, P. Vidnerová
(Department of Artificial Intelligence, ICS Prague)
Infinitary Rules for Abelian Logic
Filip Jankovec
(Institute of Computer Science, CAS)
Learning from few examples - nonlinearity and dimensionality
Oliver Sutton
(Department of Mathematics, King's College London)
Dispersion of a point set - lower and upper bounds
Jan Vybiral
(Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, CTU)
New directions in quantum reasoning
Wesley Fussner
(Institute of Computer Science, CAS)
On Geometric Implications
Amir Tabatabai
(Institute of Computer Science, CAS)
Relevance Properties in First-Order Relevant Logicss
Nicholas Ferenz
(Institute of Computer Science, CAS)
GPU-acceleration of program synthesis
Martin Berger
(Montanarius Ltd & University of Sussex)
special session
Soroush Rafiee Rad
(University of Amsterdam)
Equational theories of idempotent semifields
Simon Santschi
(University of Bern)
Getting Structure in Dialogue with Large Language Models
Ondřej Dušek
( Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University Prague)
What Proof Theory Can Do for You
Roman Kuznets
(TU Wien)
Principlism as the ethics of artificial intelligence
David Černý
(Institute of Computer Science CAS, Institute of State and Law, CAS)
Decidable Fragments of First Order Modal Logic
Anantha Padmanabha
(Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad)
The Voynich Manuscript: the secret book of an unknown language
Ivan Zelinka
(Technical University of Ostrava)
A Tour of Substructural Interpolation
Wesley Fussner
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science)
Chomsky-Like Neural Network Hierarchy
Jiří Šíma
Maximum satisfiability problem in the real-valued MV-algebra
Zuzana Haniková
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)
Approximation of classifiers of large data sets by deep ReLU networks
Věra Kůrková
Artificial Wisdom: On the Power of Generative AI
Jiří Wiedermann a Jan van Leeuwen
(CAS ICS a Utrecht University)
Negated Implications in Connexive Relevant Logics
Andrew Tedder
(University of Vienna)
HW Accelerated AI Inference and Fast, Recursive QR System Identification
Jiří Kadlec
(Department of Signal processing, UTIA, CAS)
Fuzzy Information States and Fuzzy Support
Vít Punčochář
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)
Causality and Machine Learning
Aditi Kathpalia
(Department of Complex Systems, Institute of Computer Science, CAS)
Everyone Knows that Everyone Knows
Hans van Ditmarsch
(University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT)
TNL: Numerical library for modern parallel architectures
Tomáš Oberhuber
(Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, CTU)
Characterising flip process rules with the same trajectories
Eng Keat Hng
12.05.2023 10:00
A Simplified Lower Bound on Intuitionistic Implicational Proofs
Emil Jeřábek
(Institute of Mathematics, CAS)
Invitation to graphons
Jan Hladky
05.05.2023 10:00
How to compute uniform interpolant semantically
Kentaro Yamamoto
Computability of Neural Network Problems
Vít Fojtík
(Bavarian AI Chair for Mathematical Foundations of AI, LMU Munich)
Promise Model Checking Problems over a Fixed Model
Libor Barto
(Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
Zero-cost proxies for neural network performance estimation
Gabriela Kadlecová
(Institute of Computer Science; Charles Univ., Fac Math and Phys)
Maximum local tree counts in G(n,p)
Matas Šileikis
14.04.2023 10:00
GPT et al.: Generating Texts with Transformer-Based Large Language Models
Rudolf Rosa
(Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University)
Computational Content of a Generalized Kreisel-Putnam Rule
Ivo Pezlar
(Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences)
From ridge functions to neural networks II.
Jan Vybíral
(Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, CTU)
First-Order Proof Schemata and Inductive Proof Analysis
Alexander Leitsch
(Technical University Vienna)
Learning Logic Programs with negation, Predicate Invention, and Higher-Order Definitions Through the learning from Failures Paradigm
David M. Cerna
(Department of Artificial Intelligence, ICS Prague)
One-variable RQ & RS5: A Frame Based Equivalence
Nicholas Ferenz
(Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences)
From discrete to continuous variational inequalities with convex and non-convex constraints.
Pavel Krejčí
(Institute of Mathematics, CAS; Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU)
Learning Logic Programs with negation, Predicate Invention, and Higher-Order. Definitions Through the learning from Failures Paradigm.
David M. Cerna
(Department of Artificial Intelligence, ICS Prague)
Kleene Algebra With Tests for Weighted Programs
Igor Sedlár
(Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences)
From ridge functions to neural networks
Jan Vybíral
(Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, CTU)
A Parametrised Axiomatization for a Large Number of Restricted Second-Order Logics
Guillermo Badia
(University of Queensland)
How radar interferometry could reconcile fuzzy sets with probability
Lubomír Soukup
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Information Theory and Automation)
On Many-Valued Coalgebraic Modal Logic
Chun Yu Lin
(Czech Academy of Sciences, ICS)
Model M - an agent-based epidemiological model
S4 Necessity and Comonads
Colin Zwanziger
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy)
Beyond Parry: Applications of Intensional Subject-Matter
Thomas M. Ferguson
(Czech Academy of Sciences)
Some implications of high-dimensional geometry for classification by neural networks
The Bi-Intuitionistic Logic of Co-Trees
Miguel Martins
(University of Barcelona)
Autonomous machines and machine minds
Crisp bi-Gödel modal logic and its paraconsistent expansion
Daniil Kozhemiachenko
(INSA Centre Val de Loire)
A module-theoretic approach to multiset consequence relations
Adam Přenosil
On the Complexity of *-Continuous Kleene Algebra With Domain
Igor Sedlár
Perfect pseudo MV-algebra, kite, variety, representation
Michal Botur
(Palacký University Olomouc)
On a logico-algebraic approach to AGM belief contraction theory
Davide Fazio
(University of Cagliari)
One-sorted Kleene algebra with tests
Igor Sedlár
Homomorphisms of Planning Tasks and Heuristic Search
Rostislav Horčík
(Czech Technical University)
Layers of Propositional Types
Vít Punčochář
Layers of Propositional Types
Vít Punčochář
Paths and cycles in random hypergraphs
Oliver Cooley
(Graz University of Technology)
11.04.2022 10:00
Spravedlivá válka a válečný konflikt na Ukrajině
Michal Rigel, David Černý, Zdeněk Mikulka, Monika Mareková
(Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, v.v.i.)
Integrating Machine Learning into Saturation-based ATPs
Martin Suda
(CIIRC, Czech Technical University)
Kapsner Complementation
Andrew Tedder
(Ruhr University Bochum)
Conditional FDE-logics
Nicholas Ferenz
Minimum degree conditions for powers of cycles and paths
Eng Keat Hng
26.01.2022 10:00
Learning Higher-Order Logic Programs From Failures
David Cerna
A Generalization of Ultraproducts
Jamie Wannenburg
The automorphism groups of ultrahomogeneous lattices
Kentaro Yamamoto
Reduction procedures and the meaning of proofs
Sara Ayhan
(Ruhr University Bochum)
Decidability of some intuitionistic and Gödel modal logics with transitivity
David Fernández Duque
(ICS CAS and Ghent University)
On the adequacy of temporal logics for modelling European transport regulations
David Fernández Duque
(Ghent University)
Epimorphisms in varieties of semilinear residuated lattices
J. J. Wannenburg
(Czech Academy of Sciences)
Dependent types and finite limits in games
Norihiro Yamada
(University of Minnesota)
A maximality result for bi-intuitionistic propositional logic
Grigory Olkhovikov
(Ruhr University Bochum)
Varieties of necessity in a non-classical setting
Shawn Standefer
(Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Generalized basic logic from a modal point of view
Wesley Fussner
(University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)
The admissible rules of Lax Logic
Iris van der Giessen
(Utrecht University)
The Structure of Reasons: Subtraction and Partiality
Federico Faroldi
(Ghent University)
Two applications of Herzberger’s semantics
Hitoshi Omori
(Ruhr University Bochum)
These Degrees go to Eleven: Fuzzy Logics and Graded Predicates
Berta Grimau and Carles Noguera
Counting Homomorphisms Between Finite Structures
Luca Reggio
(University of Oxford)
Changing the World, Constructively
Igor Sedlár
0-1 Laws in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
Guillermo Badia
(University of Queensland)
Some algebraic (and topological) tools and their application to logic
Jamie Wannenburg
(University of Pretoria)
Logics of n-filters
Adam Přenosil
(Vanderbilt University)
The combinatorics of finite Heyting algebras and the topological group of the automorphisms of their limit
Kentaro Yamamoto
On Equational Completeness Theorems
Tommaso Moraschini
(University of Barcelona)
Nový pohled na spojitá pravděpodobnostní rozdělení
Admissibility in the multi-conclusion setting
Michal Stronkowski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Connectivity of random simplicial complexes
Andrew Newman
(Bielefeld University)
12.02.2020 10:00
Stochastic growth models: asymptotic shape and growth rate
Viktor Bezborodov
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
11.02.2020 10:00
Decomposing graphs into paths and trees
Tereza Klimošová
(Charles University)
24.01.2020 10:00
Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse methods in the model theory of L-topological spaces over finite MTL-chains
Guillermo Badia
(University of Queensland)
How to deal with data contamination in hypothesis testing
Axiomatic systems of Gödel Modal Logics
Amanda Vidal
Localised codegree conditions for Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs
Simón Piga
(Universität Hamburg)
06.12.2019 10:00
Craig interpolation in software verification
Martin Blicha
(Charles University)
Random tree recursions: which fixed points correspond to tangible sets of trees?
Fiona Skerman
(Bristol University)
29.11.2019 10:00
François Lefebvre
(Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France)
Information Flow in Logics in the Vicinity of BB
Andrew Tedder
Probabilistic Bounds on Complexity of Networks Classifying Large Data Sets
Profinite Heyting algebras and the representation problem for Esakia spaces
Frozen percolation on the 3-regular tree
Jan Swart
(Czech Academy of Sciences, UTIA)
25.10.2019 10:00
Profiniteness and finitely generated varieties
Michał M. Stronkowski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
The Use of Drones and the Problem of Disproportionate Harm to Civilians
Daniel Statman
(University of Haifa, Haifa, Izrael)
Georg Heinze
(Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
Partitioning 2-coloured complete 3-graphs into two monochromatic tight cycles
11.10.2019 10:00
Renata Tiene de Carvalho Yokota
(Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Mgr. Lubomír Košťál, Ph.D.
(Fyziologický ústav AV ČR)