Machine Learning and Modelling Seminar

Organized jointly by the Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic, Faculty of Mathemeatics and Physics of the Charles University, and by the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences.


Martin Holeňa
+420 266 052 921
skype martinholena

Thursday 14:00 in the lecture room S8, Malostranské náměstí 2.

We shall start the sommer semester of our seminar on Thursday February 27.

[Permanent Link]


List of seminars in 2020 - 2021

 9. 12. 2021Tomáš VlkBayes Filtration of Unknown Models with Unknown Covariatespdf
11. 11. 2021Jan FaiglCurvature-Constrained Multi-goal Trajectory Planningpdf
14. 10. 2021Kamil DedeciusDistributed Bayesian Modellingpdf
30.  9. 2021Petr KasalickýOnline and Offline Evaluations Metrics in Recommender Systemspdf
27. 2. 2020Tomáš PevnýFlexibilita multi-instančního učenípdf
 2. 1. 2020Miloš PrágrModelování cen průchodnosti terénem pro šestinohé kráčející robotypdf