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Vědecký pracovník
Oddělení: | Oddělení umělé inteligence | |
Telefon: | +420 266 05 3099 | |
Kancelář: | ||
Email: | (email) |
2023- | member of Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Computer Science, The Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS) |
2019-2022 | Deputy Head of Dept. of Machine Learning, ICS |
2018- | Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, ICS |
2013-2017 | Head of Dept. of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics, ICS |
2012- | Researcher, ICS |
2010-2011 | Postdoc, Center of Biomedical Informatics, ICS |
2006-2010 | Researcher, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague (MFF UK) |
2008 | RNDr. | MFF UK, Prague (Probability and Mathematical Statistics) |
2007 | Ph.D. | University of Duisburg-Essen (Mathematics) |
2001 | Mgr. | MFF UK, Prague (Mathematical Statistics) |
2016 | Best Paper Award, BIOSTEC/BIOINFORMATICS Conference, Rome, Italy (with J. Hlinka) |
2014 | Prize of the Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics, best scientific paper in 2013 |
2013 | Neuron Impuls, Neuron Fund for Support of Science |
2013 | Conference Award for Scientists, International Society for Clinical Biostatistics |
2012 | Otto Wichterle Award (Prestigious award of the Academy of Sciences for young researchers) |
2012 | Conference Award for Scientists, International Society for Clinical Biostatistics |
2002 | SVOČ (National Student Research Competition), 2nd place in section Probability, Statistics and Econometrics |
Sequential Analysis (Taylor and Francis), Associate Editor | since 2018 |
Applications of Mathematics (Springer), member of Editorial Board | since 2017 |
Serbian Journal of Management, member of Editorial Board | since 2012 |