Belda, M., Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Geletič, Jan, Maronga, B., Sühring, M., Kurppa, M., Kanani-Sühring, F., Fuka, V., Eben, Kryštof, Benešová, N.. Trade-offs Between Improvement of Thermal Comfort and Air Quality in Urban Environment Indicated by LES Model PALM Simulations in Prague Case Study.
In AMS 2023: 103rd Annual Meeting Program Book
, .
Salim, M., Schubert, S., Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Maronga, B., Kanani-Sühring, F., Sühring, M., Schneider, Ch.. Importance of radiative transfer processes in urban climate models: A study based on the PALM model system 6.0.
EGU, 2021
Sühring, M., Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel. Evaluation of surface processes in the PALM model system 6.0 for a real urban environment: a case study in Dejvice, Prague.
In Kurzfassungen der Meteorologentagung DACH
, .
Geletič, Jan, Krč, Pavel, Resler, Jaroslav, Bureš, M., Řezníček, H., Belda, M.. Modelování realistického městského mikroklimatu a potenciálních adaptačních opatření.
In Konzultační setkání řešitelů vybraných výzkumných projektů v oblasti adaptace hl. m. Prahy na klimatickou změnu. Prezentace.
, .
Geletič, Jan, Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel. Kvalita a funkce zeleně v silně urbanizovaných oblastech.
In Město jako laboratoř změny, 1. fórum Strategie AV ČR. Program,
strana 2-2
, .
Svítek, M., Přibyl, O., Vorel, J., Garlík, B., Resler, Jaroslav, Kozhevnikov, S., Krč, Pavel, Geletič, Jan, Daniel, Milan, Dostál, R., Janča, T., Myška, V., Aralkina, O., Pereira, A. M.. City simulation software for modeling, planning, and strategic assessment of territorial city units.
CTU & ICS CAS, 2021
Geletič, Jan, Lehnert, Michal, Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel. Application of the UTCI in High-Resolution Urban Climate Modeling Techniques.
In Applications of the Universal Thermal Climate Index UTCI in Biometeorology,
strana 177-191
, .
Geletič, Jan, Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel. Mikroklimatické modely a možnosti jejich využití při komplexním hodnocení adaptačních opatření ve městech.
Akademie věd České republiky, 2020
Geletič, Jan, Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Lehnert, Michal. Sensitivity of urban thermal comfort on street-level adaptation measures.
In Urbanizovaná krajina, pôda a klíma. Zborník abstraktov k vedeckej konferencii,
strana 8-10
, .
Salim, M., Schubert, S., Schneider, Ch., Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Maronga, B., Kanani-Sühring, F., Sühring, M.. Parameterisation of radiative exchange in microscale urban climate modelling: How much detail should we include?.
In Geophysical Research Abstracts
, .
Douša, J., Eliáš, M., Václavovič, P., Eben, Kryštof, Krč, Pavel. A Two-stage Tropospheric Correction Model Combining Data from GNSS and Numerical Weather Model.
In GPS Solutions,
ročník 22,
svazek č. 3
, 2018, ISSN 1080-5370.
Benešová, N., Belda, M., Eben, Kryštof, Geletič, Jan, Huszár, P., Juruš, Pavel, Krč, Pavel, Resler, Jaroslav, Vlček, O.. New Open Source Emission Processor for Air Quality Models.
In Proceedings of Abstracts 11th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Application,
strana 27-27
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Belda, Michal, Juruš, Pavel, Benešová, N., Lopata, J., Vlček, O., Damašková, D., Eben, Kryštof, Derbek, P., Maronga, P., Kanani-Sühring, F.. PALM-USM v1.0: A New Urban Surface Model Integrated into the PALM Large-eddy Simulation Model.
In Geoscientific Model Development,
ročník 10,
svazek č. 10,
strana 3635-3659
, 2017, ISSN 1991-959X.
Resler, Jaroslav, Juruš, Pavel, Benešová, N., Vlček, O., Belda, M., Huszár, P., Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof. Návrh integrovaného emisního procesoru nové generace.
In OVZDUŠÍ 2017. Program a sborník konference,
strana 61-64
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Belda, Michal, Juruš, Pavel, Benešová, N., Vlček, O., Damašková, D., Eben, Kryštof, Derbek, P.. Modelové vyhodnocení urbanistických scénářů na kvalitu ovzduší a tepelný komfort v uliční síti.
In OVZDUŠÍ 2017. Program a sborník konference,
strana 20-24
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Belda, Michal, Juruš, Pavel, Benešová, N., Lopata, J., Vlček, O., Damašková, D., Eben, Kryštof, Derbek, P., Maronga, P., Kanani-Sühring, F.. Vývoj a ověření nového modelu tepelných poměrů městského prostředí v jemném měřítku.
In OVZDUŠÍ 2017. Program a sborník konference,
strana 15-19
, .
Brabec, Marek, Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Pelikán, Emil. Wind Speed Forecasting for a Large-Scale Measurement Network and Numerical Weather Modeling.
In Advances in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting,
strana 361-373
, , ISSN 1431-1968.
Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Belda, Michal, Juruš, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Benešová, N., Srbová, D., Derbek, P., Hrubeš, P., Lopata, J., Vlček, O., Blümelová, J., Kazmuková, M., Bauerová, P.. Street-level Modelling of the Effect of Climate Adaptation Measures on Air Quality.
In HARMO 17. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes,
strana 362-366
, .
Brabec, Marek, Eben, Kryštof, Konár, Ondřej, Krč, Pavel, Pelikán, Emil, Juruš, Pavel. Statistical Analysis of NWP Prediction Errors and Their Consequences for Short-Time Photovoltaic Energy Forecasting; A Semi-Parametric Way to Prediction Quality Improvements.
In EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts,
ročník 11,
strana EMS2014-429
, 2014.
Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Pelikán, Emil. Clustering Weather Situations with Respect to Prediction of Solar Irradiance by Multiple NWP Models.
In ECAI 2014,
strana 1207-1208
, , ISSN 0922-6389.
Krömer, P., Musílek, P., Pelikán, Emil, Krč, Pavel, Juruš, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof. Support Vector Regression of Multiple Predictive Models of Downward Short-Wave Radiation.
In Proceedings of the 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
strana 651-657
, .
Krč, Pavel. Weather Classification with Respect to NWP Model Output Precision.
In Doktorandské dny '12,
strana 40-40
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Eben, Kryštof, Krč, Pavel. Common Problems Using NWP Models for Prediction of Photovoltaic Power.
In Renewable Energies Forecasting and Delivery. Proceedings of the Workshop REFDE,
strana 1-28
, .
Juruš, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Krč, Pavel, Hošek, Jiří, Brabec, Marek. Long Term Forecast of Photovoltaic Power Generation.
In Renewable Energies Forecasting and Delivery. Proceedings of the Workshop REFDE,
strana 1-61
, .
Brabec, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Musílek, P.. Statistical Modeling of Energy Production by Photovoltaic Farms.
In Journal of Energy and Power Engineering,
ročník 5,
svazek č. 9,
strana 785-793
, 2011, ISSN 1934-8975.
Krč, Pavel. Subprocess Heuristic for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes.
In Doktorandské dny '11,
strana 80-80
, .
Brabec, Marek, Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel, Pelikán, Emil. WRF-STAT coupled model for energy production forecasting from photovoltaic farms.
In Forecasting in a Disruptive World. The 31th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting
, , ISSN 1997-4116.
Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel, Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Pelikán, Emil. On the impact of model resolution and time frequency of outputs on renewable energy prediction.
In Forecasting in a Disruptive World. The 31th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting
, , ISSN 1997-4116.
Krč, Pavel. Combining gridded and area based emission data for use with SMOKE emission model.
In The 2nd Workshop on "GHG reduction using IT",
strana 1-15
, .
Brabec, Marek, Pelikán, Emil, Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof, Musílek, P.. Statistical Modeling of Energy Production by Photovoltaic Farms.
In Electrical Power and Energy Conference "Sustainable Energy for an Intelligent Grid",
strana 1-6
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel, Krč, Pavel. Assimilation of Satellite-Retrieved Columns and Ground-Level Observations of Tropospheric Compounds into the CMAQ CTM Model.
In Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel, Krč, Pavel. Assimilation of Satellite-Retrieved Columns and Ground-Level Observations of Tropospheric Compounds into the CMAQ CTM Model.
In Air Quality - Science and Application,
strana 1-4
, .
Eben, Kryštof, Resler, Jaroslav, Juruš, Pavel, Krč, Pavel. Assimilation of Satellite-Retrieved Tropospheric NO2 Columns and in-situ Observations into the CMAQ CTM Model.
In The Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Constituents from Space. ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 Activities 2007-8 Final Report 1.2009,
strana 191-195
, .
Liczki, Jitka, Resler, Jaroslav, Krč, Pavel, Eben, Kryštof. Conversion of Czech National Emission Inventory for Input to Air Quality Models.
In Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe,
strana 325-331
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Eben, Kryštof, Juruš, Pavel, Krč, Pavel. Assimilation of Satellite and Ground Level Data into Air Quality Models.
In Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe,
strana 341-347
, .
Resler, Jaroslav, Eben, Kryštof, Geletič, Jan, Krč, Pavel, Rosecký, Martin, Sühring, M., Belda, M., Fuka, V., Halenka, T., Huszár, P., Karlický, J., Benešová, N., Ďoubalová, J., Honzáková, K., Keder, J., Nápravníková, Š., Vlček, O.. Validation of the PALM model system 6.0 in real urban environment: case study of Prague-Dejvice, Czech Republic..
Belda, M., Eben, Kryštof, Fuka, V., Geletič, Jan, Kanani-Sühring, F., Krč, Pavel, Maronga, B., Resler, Jaroslav, Benešová, N., Sühring, M., Auvinen, M., Kurppa, M.. Sensitivity Analysis of the PALM Model System 6.0 in the Urban Environment.