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Bývalý kolega
MSc. | Faculty of Sciences, Comenius‘ University, Bratislava, 1971 (subject area: mathematics) |
RNDr. | Faculty of Sciences, Comenius‘ University, Bratislava, 1971 |
CSc. (Ph.D.) | Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 1976 (subject area: algebra and number theory) |
DrSc. | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,, 1989 (subject area: algebra and number theory) |
Doc. | Associate Professor, Comenius‘ University, Bratislava, 1991 (subject area: algebra and number theory) |
Prof. | Professor, Charles University, Prague, 2001 (subject area: mathematics – algebra and number theory) |
2003 – | Institute of Computer Science , | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | |
1993 – 2003 | Department of Mathematics, | University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague | |
1992 – 1993 | statistical research manager | A.C.Nielsen Marketing Research, Prague | |
1990 – 1992 | Department of Mathematics , | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | |
1981 – 1982 | fellow of Alexander v. Humboldt Foundations, | Institute of Mathematics, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt/Main | |
1971 – 1990 | Mathematical Institute, | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava |