doc. Ing. Václav Šebesta, DrSc.

Odborný pracovník výzkumu a vývoje

Oddělení: Úsek infrastruktury
Telefon: +420 266 05 2060
Email: (email)

Teaching Experiences


1972 – 1974 Electrotechnical Faculty of Czech Technical University – subject Electronic Circuits
1978 – 1989 Faculty of Nuclear and Physics Engineering of CTU – subject Mathematical Engineering
1990 – 1991 Faculty of Nuclear and Physics Engineering of CTU – subject Introduction to Computer Techniques
1992 – 1995 Masaryk’s Institute of Advanced Studies – subject Parallel Architectures and their Programming
1993 – 2008 Faculty of Nuclear and Physics Engineering of CTU – subject Parallel Architectures and Algorithms
1995 – 2012 Faculty of Transportation of CTU – subject Architectures of Computer Systems
1995 – 2000 Faculty of Transportation of CTU – subject Reliability and Security
2002 – 2006 Faculty of Transportation of CTU – subject Quality  System Models
2012 – 2015 Faculty of Natural Scince of the South Bohemian University – subject Architectures of Computers