Ing. Július Štuller, CSc.

Oddělení: Úsek infrastruktury
Telefon: +420 266 05 3200
Email: (email)


Project No. 1M4674788502 Research Centre: Advanced Remedial Technologies and Processes (2004-2009).
Project No. 1ET100300419 Intelligent Models, Algorithms, Methods and Tools
for the Semantic Web Realisation (2004-2008)
Barrande 2004-003-1 Integration de donnés sur le Web – applications aux Systéms d’Information Géographique (2004-2005).
Grant HPCFCT-2000-00185
of 5th FP EC EU
2000 ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (2000-2002).
Grant No. 201/97/1070
of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Inconsistency Resolution Methods in the Data / Knowledge Base Integration (1997-1999) .