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Společný seminář katedry teoretické informatiky a matematické logiky MFF UK a oddělění umělé inteligence Ústavu informatiky AV ČR
Čtvrtek 14:00 v posluchárně S8, Malostranské náměstí 2.
Letní semestr našeho semináře začneme ve čtvrtek 27. února.
7. 12. | Klára Janoušková | Test-time adaptation | |
23. 11. | Patric Feldmeier | Neatest - neuroevolution-based generation of adaptive tests | |
9. 11. | Felix Gemeinhardt | Quantum computing - from fundamentals to first quantum algorithms | |
26. 10. | Milan Straka | Optimization of deep neural networks | pdf,mov |
12. 10. | Anton Bushuiev | Designing protein-protein interactions with self-supervised geometric deep learning | |
11. 5. | Rudolf Rosa | Generating texts with transformer-based large language models | |
27. 4. | Pavel Hrabák | Agents heterogeneity in microscopic models of pedestrian flow | |
13. 4. | Pierre Onghena | Comparing user perception of explanations developed with XAI methods | |
30. 3. | Thomas Seidelmann | Advanced multi-objective facility layout planning for modern manufacturing environments | |
16. 3. | Ondřej Podsztavek | Active domain adaptation and astronomy | |
2. 3. | Adéla Šubrtová | Semantic editation of images | |
16. 2. | Dario Simionato | Exploiting causality methods for knowledge discovery from observational data | |
5. 1. | Tomáš Kerepecký | An introduction to neural fields in computer vision and image processing |