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Společný seminář katedry teoretické informatiky a matematické logiky MFF UK a oddělění umělé inteligence Ústavu informatiky AV ČR
Čtvrtek 14:00 v posluchárně S8, Malostranské náměstí 2.
Letní semestr našeho semináře začneme ve čtvrtek 27. února.
8. 12. | Luca Hermes | Challenges in Graph Advanced Learning | |
4. 11. | Marek Dědič | Graph Neural Networks for Adaptive Coarsening of Graphs | |
10. 11. | Petr Váňa | Combining Continuous and Combinatorial Optimization for Multi-goal Trajectory Planning | |
27. 10. | Kenny Schlegel | An Introduction to Hyperdimensional Computing and Its Applications | |
13. 10. | Petr Pulc | Knowledge Extraction from Multimedia Content | |
29. 9. | Alexander Behr | Modelling Knowledge with Ontologies for Catalysis Research | |
19. 5. | Michael Steininger | Density-based Weighting for Imbalanced Regression | pdf,mp4 |
5. 5. | Timon Sachweh | Differentially Private Learning from Label Proportions for Privacy Preserving Route Planning | |
22. 4. | Zbyněk Pitra | Surrogate Modeling and Landscape Analysis for Evolutionary Black-box Optimization | |
7. 4. | Florian Linsner | Uncertainty Estimation in Federated Deep Learning | |
24. 3. | Irina Perfilieva | Manifolds as a Useful Data Structure | |
10. 3. | Yash Patel | Training Neural Networks on Non-Differentiable Losses |